Whether you are making an addition to your home or remodeling your bathroom cabinets, eco-friendly choices can help you conserve resources and reduce your impact on the environment. As the demand for green building materials grows, major manufactures are expanding their affordable sustainable op
Summer is a great time work on projects around the home that reduce your environmental impact. Even if you are not making big changes, such as replacing old leaky windows or installing ceiling fans, there are still small things that can be done around the house to minimize energy consumption
KNOW THE FACTS AND AVOID COSTLY SURPRISES WITH A PRE-LISTING HOME INSPECTION.As a real estate professional, you invest a great deal of time, money, and energy to market your listings. Between advertising, open houses, and meeting with clients, you need to get a good return on that investment. Don
I went to a vacant house to conduct a re-inspection recently. When I arrived at 8AM the handyman that made the repairs was at the house.One of the repair items was a leaking drain pipe under the kitchen sink. When I opened the cabinet, there were a few unusual items there; a bottle of vodka, a
Spring is swarming season for termites as well as some ants in Florida. Termite reproductives emerge from their nests to mate mid to late February. These mating flights are commonly called "swarms." Seeing the actual swarm is not a common site, but seeing the aftermath is. Termite males will us
TOP 3 ROOMS TO INVEST INHomeowners are continually exposed to the latest and greatest in remodeling and renovation trends on TV programs, in magazines, and on home improvement web sites. It seems there isn't any place in the house that's off-limits to improvement, expansion, or updating. If a hom
CONTROLLING ALLERGENS IN THE HOMEFor many people, household allergens can cause a variety of symptoms, including sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, and shortness of breath, and may be a contributing cause of asthma, especially in children. However, it is possible to minimize the effects of such all
Kelly Cox321-751-8711 kelly.cox@pillartopost.com1-800-294-5591 | pillartopost.com
DON'T THROW MONEY OUT THE WINDOWWith heating and cooling costs continuing to rise, it makes sense to look at one of the leading causes of energy inefficiency in the home: windows. Installing energy-efficient windows can mean increased comfort as well as savings on utility bills in any climate. Th
NEWS from CPSC U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Office of Information and Public AffairsWashington, DC 20207FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 1, 2007Release #07-256CPSC Hotline: (800) 638-2772CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7800 CPSC Releases the "Top Five Hidden Home Hazards"Safety Agency Plac