April Fools Joke Played on 4th Grader Kids - Must See!You know April Fool's Day is not a day I celebrate. I am fooled daily by people so what would be so special about this one day of the year? But while doing some research for my blog, I cam across the funniest, nicest, most unique prank ever.Ap
When you are always in the limelight, at some point, something is going to go awry. Here are some Friday Funnies to make you giggle and to make you recheck your wardrobe before going out. I posted these in no particular order and tried not to show anyhing really unkind. These could happen to anyo
Next 4 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents FailAccording to the National Association of Realtors, 82% of home buyers begin their search online. That means if you don’t have an online presence you’re invisible to 82% of buyers.Here are 4 More Reasons Why Some Real Estate Agents Fail Didn't Anticipate O
First, Let me say Happy St. Patricks Day to all you Irish folks out there. I'm a wee bit Irish but not enough to make a big deal of it! So today we will have a story, a joke, a cartoon, some great Irish Dancers, Our Irish Supper and finally an Irish Blessing.Let's get into a bit of Irish humor th
Top 8 Reasons Real Estate Agents FailThere are more than 100,000 real estate agents in the United States who are millionaires! That sounds like an awful lot of top producers out there. So what is it that they are doing that you are not? As a matter of fact most real estate agents end up failing a
Write Consistently, Right? Post social information on a consistent basis. So why is that so important, you ask? Well, the main thing is that you will never get leads if people rarely see you online. If they have to track you down to find the last post you made or the last blog you wrote, you jus
What Day Did You Say it Is?I know it's Thursday...my inbox is overflowing. But what "DAY" is it?Okay, people. Humor me. This was just too good to wait for Friday when I write about not much at all. But it's usually humorous!So as most of you probably know or heard, yesterday was International Wom
Friday Funny - At least somethings are!It's finally Friday. I'm leaning toward being out of the office today. However, I wanted to share some Friday Fun First!In 1988, right near me in Madison, Wisconsin, Chris Johnson and Tim Keck, the co-founders of The Onion, created a news satire publication.
Blog Analytic ToolsYesterday we wrote about some of the tools you can use to measure traffic on your blog. Measuring this traffic is imperative to the success of your blog. If you are just writing post after post and you have no idea if "anyone" is reading it, you have been wasting time.What if y
How Can You Tell How Many People Read Your Blog Posts?I am excited to say that I received many comments on my Worst Blog Mistakes. I'm also very embarrassed to say I had two mis-spelled words and one very long run-on sentence!!! Thanks to those who caught the mistake! Shame on you for those who d