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Real Estate Attorney - Rego Tax Law - Cal Bar #201054
SAN MATEO, CA: If you owe back taxes or even worse, DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU OWE OR WHY YOU OWE IT, it's time to get professional help.  The IRS has recently announced that they have finally worked through the COVID backlog, have hired hundreds of new IRS employees, and are ready to collect the money ...
San Mateo, CA: The IRS recently updated the national standard amounts for many of the expenses households can use when submitting an Offer in Compromise.  It is important to know these amounts since they greatly affect the reasonable collection potential (RCP) of your offer. The National Standard...
San Mateo, CA: Generally, a new tax season brings on a renewed effort by scammers to separate you from your hard-earned money.  Taxes are fresh on the mind of many taxpayers as they prepare for their annual tax return.The IRS reminds us all to be aware that criminals continue to make calls posing...
San Mateo, CA: Fresh off the IRS presses! Darren Guillot, Deputy Commissioner, Small Business/Self Employed Division, Collection & Operations Support announced today in a post that the IRS's two year pilot program for streamlined collections implemented during COVID will be made permanent. During...
San Mateo, CA: Since early 2018, the IRS has been using a little known tax liability enforcement tool authorized under Internal Revenue Code 7345(a) to get the attention of  taxpayers who owe money to the IRS but are not cooperating. Section 7345(a) provides that if Treasury Department receives c...
Here's the story:A holiday weekend trip to one of the nearby casino's, a nice dinner, and some slot machine play for fun.  Suddenly, the bells start ringing, the lights start flashing, and you are sitting there wondering what just happened.Next comes the slot attendant and out comes your driver's...
The reality of life.Sometimes, folks go through physical/mental heath events (whether acute or chronic) which causes their lives to really fall apart.  Keeping up with bills, taking medications, and even taking care of basic daily needs becomes a challenge for those going through tough times.Ofte...
So, you have really procrastinated on doing your tax return---you filed an extension and that deadline has come and gone.  Now what?Well, the next deadline facing you have is 11/26/22 at 11:59 PM Eastern.  That is the date when the Modernized efile Operation (MeF) shuts down at the IRS to allow f...
As all of you know, real estate professionals are in the service business.  Helping your clients and providing outstanding service is a hallmark of your industry.What if you could provide one small suggestion to your clients for free that might just keep them out of trouble with the IRS?The sugge...
The intrigue of "anonymous" ownership of virtual currency (or cryptocurrency) has led many to believe this commodity is flying under the IRS's tax radar. Nothing could be further from the truth.  Since 2015, IRS Criminal Investigation continues to build a cybercrime program and now has a cybercri...

Kevin Rego

IRS Collections Representation
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