Ken Spencer's (kenspencer) Blog

Industry Observer
I wrote a blog just before Christmas of last year The Greatness of Virtual Assistants where I indicated how valuable a VA can be.  At that time I can say for certain that I really had no concept of how true that was until I actually started using my now Virtual Assistant, Judy Lorenz VA Judy.  Sh...
 It looks like Phoenix is marching to the same drummer as the rest of the nation in terms of residential real estate.  Here's what it looks like when a review of the ARMLS (MLS) statistics are reviewed for June 2007.Avg. Days of market are running 115 days (up from 69 last year)Avg. List to sales...
For the Phoenicians in the house and those interested in Arizona, the Phoenix Business Journal for June 29, 2007 had a few interesting things to say.  "Business Pulse" conducted one of those surveys asking participants the question "Are you planning to move to a new home in the near future?"  Of ...
A Whole New Mind is just what the diet calls for and is the name of a book written by Dan H. Pink.  He's also the author of Free Agent Nation.  Besides working like most of you at being the best I can be as a real estate professional,  I am also an active duty fire fighter and a Human Resource Pr...
I can't tell you how many times it hasn't in my life time.  Did you ever see that commercial where the guy starts out talking calmly with a technician (on-line of course) and ends up screaming his lungs out, stomping up and down and crying like a baby all within the first minute of the conversati...
There is one thing I learned about the real estate business. In order to be successful I must determine what the end of this year will look like in terms of those things that are important to me.  I must develop a plan to get there and work the plan to death.  This means time blocking, time block...
I spent the day with Tony DiCello at the Biltmore in Phoenix AZ with what looked like more than 250 fellow Keller Williams associates.  For those of you that know Tony, it goes without saying that the group dynamics was as good as it gets and the presentation as valuable as all get out.  The them...
The title of Chris Elizabeth Griffith's post Just Because Someone's Holding A Hose , Does That Make Them A Firefighter?  caught my eye.  I'm an active duty firefighter and an active duty realtor.  Do you ever see those people on ESPN with a garden hose, standing precariously on their roof, flames...
I guess most of us know by now that nothing in life that's worth anything comes easy.  As a matter of fact, most of us have found that most everything worth while comes with a little bit of pain.   Have you had this experience?   You're at work, walking down the hallway on the way to your office ...
 How do we start the day?  We get up in the morning, perform the essential physical and mental tasks and create the ground work for taking on the world.  For some of us this activity can take longer than for others.   The ritual starts with a shower and all those other things and then in to the o...

Ken Spencer

for Verrado, Buckeye, Sundance
local_phone(623) 866-9596
smartphone(623) 866-9596
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