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Real Estate Agent - Keller Williams Metropolitan
My Blog about Real Estate in Morris County, NJ.
You can wait (if you have cash), but if finanacing a home, the rates are low and will probably only dip occasionaly. Visit Waxhaw homes for sale, for nicely priced homes and lower taxes!   ."I'm going to wait for the market to hit bottom before I buy." Are you now?  And when exactly will that be?...
I have to tell you, when it comes to new homes there are two decent size bulders I love. SP is one. (and it is not the builder I currently live in, although I would say they are OK, middle of the road). I do love Standard Pacific homes.  So does J.D. Power and Associates, you know they review org...
No! Sometimes we don't need a "Lending hand" we need a hand that only wants to HELP.  I think that is what you will find with http://www.equityrecoverysystems.com/ This is an organization set-up to truly help people find lost money, they did not know they had!  If you want to know more visit Jeff...
And "I Don't Care" too! The other day I am looking at the leads that I got off my website, and well I just had to laugh! Most of the time, if someone wants to give a fake registration, it will be something like abcdefghij@yahoo.com, but I must admit this is the type of person I would love to work...
Did you know, in the south alot of the schools don't let the kids dress up for Halloween?  Did not know that till I moved here.  Or that alot of the subdivisions really try to "define" the hours with which kids can go trick-or-treating?  These are some of the things you can ask your local Charlot...
When you are looking for a home, do you take any of these into consideration? I would think they forgot one, that would be schools.  Does not matter if you have kids or not.  More valueable homes are usually in the better school districts.  Of course as REALTORS, we can not discuss specfics, and...
I was just reading Ricky's blog post about presentations - http://activerain.com/blogsview/1925478/presenting-like-a-pro-tips-for-giving-a-killer-presentation It is a really good post, but also reminded me of some really cool new software I found that will get rid of that annoying powerpoint and ...
I was really touched by Jason's post the other day, as I know alot of us were.  In case you have not seen it, here it is...  http://activerain.com/blogsview/1914776/why-life-is-worth-living-my-compassion-for-the-bullied-and-depressed-very-long-and-very-personal-post- When I saw this tonight at my...
This is very important fact that everyone needs title insurance, even if you are buying with CASH for a home.  Speaking of CASH, are you looking for Charlotte Homes for Sale?  Keith .WHY DO WE NEED TITLE INSURANCE???--does that question ever come up for you ??? I had a sale here in Southampton Vi...
Can not get any more true than this blog post right here... Especially if you are in the bedroom community next to Charlotte, like Wahaw Homes for Sale   .I was recently asked, "How can I get the most money for my house?"   Now, this is not a new question for REALTORS® and frankly, the answer is ...

Keith Lutz

smartphone(908) 798-0651
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