It's been years now since I was in the "courting mode"! But I do remember that with each subsequent date she and I became closer and more connected. And whether the outcome was short-term or life-long, the process of building that relationship was well worth the effort! As real estate agents we
There are numerous reasons why Hickory, N.C. is quickly becoming the desired retirement community of the south! Our four moderate and distinct seasons provide an ideal environment in which to enjoy such outdoor activities as golf, fishing, horseback riding and boating all year-round. The cultura
No I mean it .....stop the press from "scaring America" into a recession. Now there is no doubt that our financial markets are going through a serious "adjustment period" and that new regulations and disciplines are definitely in order. And I am not ‘minimizing" the severity of problems associat
Everywhere we look people are talking about the economy. Speak to most real estate agents and you'll hear such words as...downturn, decline, buyer's market and foreclosures. For us the bottom line is that no time in recent history has the need to return to the fundamentals of marketing and sell
I live in Hickory, North Carolina and recently ran across some facts about our fair city! I've always known what a great town it was but never realized how fortunate we are live in a place that compares so favorably to other locations throughout the U.S. The following stats are representative f
Remember the old Abbott and Costello routine..."Who's on first?" This beloved sketch had it's beginning in the 1930's in a touring vaudeville revue called "Hollywood Bandwagon. Since then it has been performed countless times and in 1956 a gold record of "Who's on First?" was placed in the Base
Years ago I was taught that there is a hierarchy of daily tasks in real estate that can best be described as follows: "A" activities = those activities that are income-producing in nature. Example: listing presentations, showing appointments, negotiating offers, etc "B" activities = those activi
With the Olympics now over in Beijing, I'm reminded of how in real estate there can be both winners and losers. Certainly today in my local market BUYERS are supreme. Why....because: 1) BUYERS have more inventory in which to choose from in order to make the right selection. 2) BUYERS can buy M
I have just returned from a trip to Park City, UT and discovered that the real estate market there is somewhat depressed. I was amazed to see numerous developments that had begun brisk construction a couple of years ago, only to come to a "grinding halt" today. But I must admit the agent I spok
I'm just finishing my latest round of new agent training and it never ceases to amaze me how confused new agents ( fresh out of real estate school ) become when discussing AGENCY. More specifically...... EXCLUSIVE BUYER'S AGENCY. Even though our real estate commission clearly states that upon i