Kenneth's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Weichert Realtors Appleseed Group, 2043 Richmond Ave. S.I.N.Y. 10314. office phone 718-698-9797, -
Leisure Village East, Lakewood, N.J. Rental Condo in  08701Adult Community, 55 plus, One bedroom Rental Unit,  $800 mo. plus utilities.                                     Available now, HOA restricts this unit to two people.Unit has washer/dyrer, full bathroom, galley kitchen with refridgerator,...
Grandpa, I got arrested Got a call yesterday on my cell phone.Grandpa I got arrestedPlease don't tell anyone, my friends and I went out for a few drinks last night and we had an accident.  I'm a little banged up, broken nose and few stitches.  The officer said I can get out of jail if I post bail...
If you're coming to New York City this Holiday SeasonBe sure to visit Rockefeller Center for a view of the beautiful tree.Tree lighting will be on Wednesday November 30th, more information can be found here;
Truth be told, Dishonesty in the mediaShame on the Washington Post and all the other media who distort the facts to fit their own agenda.And they wonder why we don't trust them anymore.  See for yourself the distortion they made in the last presidential election.  Like Abraham Lincoln said:  "You...
Is Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York Confused?January 2014, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said Conservatives who are pro life do not have a place in New York, yet today November 18, 2016 he said in part: “ We will stand strong united in the face of intolerance and show the world that we are one ...
Movies for 2016 Question: Do you think a movie will be made about the 2016 presidential election and what will be the name of that movie if you answered yes?
Stock Tip The word is out as of 9 November 2016 that Kleenex is set to surge up sharply.
2016 Presidential Results Prediction.  This is not who are you voting for, it's just a fun prediction of what you think the outcome will be after November 8th.Choices are;A  Hillary wins.B Trump wins.C Election goes to the House of Representatives.My prediction is CWhat say you?
Before you vote 2016A few questions to ask yourself.#1  Are you better off now or in 2012?#2  How is the ACA (Affordable Care Act) aka Obama care working out for you?#3  Taxes, want to pay more or less?  Is raising taxes the answer to all our problems.  Misleading to ask the wealthy to pay "Their...
Government FraudWhat do you call a program that takes our tax money for something like 9 1 1 calls for our security and safety and use it for something else?  I call it FRAUD.  I just read an article in my local paper about fees to update 911 system being diverted.  In short, almost HALF of the m...

Kenneth Cole

NYS Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
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