Kathy's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Realty One Group Freedom - 747001988
My husband and I were watching the stocks today and out with request from bail outs were many new ccompanies  requesting help.  Seems everyone now wants a piece of the bail out.  GE announced they were going to need help, then GM announced they were in trouble and might need help.  I guess everyo...
                                                                      I had to go to Hendersonville NC today it is only 30 minutes form our home and I thought It would be a pretty quick trip. Wrong, I was surprised to see gas lines about 1 mile in both directions with police officers directing tr...
              Some will hate it and some will love it, but what choice do we have now.  This economy is killing us as Realtors.  If something does not happen soon we will all be looking for a new field to work.  The economy is horrible and we can't continue on.  What I did hear was when they bail...
I am so tired!  I have a uncle 80 who is hospice that is very gravely ill, and a aunt who is 86 who is also very ill today.  I only pray that my dad continues to be ok, that would be wild!.  I am the health care POA for both and have never face both being very ill at the same time 30 miles apart....
                                                                                                                    Looking for a great movie for this weekend.  Take your mind of the economy and lift your heart.  You can bring the kids and teach them about "The Love Dare". Also if anyone you know...
 Please make some noise, let your voice be heard!!!  Join us in getting the word out, make sure Nancy Pelosi knows we have had enough from our elected Representatives and expect them to answer to us.  This is a critical time for our country we can not be silent anymore.  Now is the time to speak ...
We really need to send our Congress a message about how we feel about the economy.  Dr James Dobson has been trying to get us to stand up and tell Congress how we feel.  So here is Nancy Pelosi contact information.  Send her a email and tell her how it is for you and your family.  Tell the Congre...
As Christians we really mean well and want others to follow us in God walk.  But when It comes to business I have seen some play both sides of the deal, by going to church and then talking smack on Mondays..  They are Christians when they want to be.  You can not play out the day to day things in...
Wow, with all the bail outs looks like they don't take a second  look at the ones without millions that have been suffering with the real estate market.  The government has bailed out all the big money players.  But what about the tax payers , how do they think we can keep a float , when there is...
Today we got a call that took my breath.  My 2 teens ages 16 and 17 were in a car that was hit by a hit and run driver. The kids were leaving school and a car hit the car next to them which hit our car.  From the reports of witnesses our Explorer raised up on 2 wheels , but my son got the car und...

Kathy Honeycutt

Realtor/ Neighborhood Specialist
smartphone(864) 349-6217
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