Below Dynamic Catholic reminds us that the eleven pipers symbolize the eleven faithful disciples of Jesus. I will assume that one of them was not faithful. This would be the reason why he was not part of the count of the 12 faithful disciples of Jesus.The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Eleven Pipers...
A continuation of the Twelve Days of Christmas. I want to believe that there are people in our society that possess all nine fruits of the Holy Spirit. Below are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit described by Dynamic Catholic.The Ninth Day of Christmas: Nine Ladies DancingThe nine ladies danci...
Ever wonder where the "Be" attitudes might have had their origin? Below is an explanation as provided by Dynamic Catholic.The Eighth Day of Christmas: Eight Maids A-MilkingThe eight maids a-milking symbolizes the eight Beatitudes preached by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount:Blessed are the poor ...
The meaning of the seventh day of Christmas presented by Dynamic Catholic.The Seventh Day of Christmas: Seven Swans A-SwimmingThe seven swans a-swimming represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.How to celebrate...
On their website, Bank of America details the difference between Home equity vs. line of credit. Below is valuable loan information.What is a home equity line of credit?A HELOC provides ongoing access to funds. Unlike a conventional loan a HELOC is a revolving line of credit, allowing you to bor...
Today is the celebration of the sixth day of the twelve days of Christmas. As a child, when I sang the song, I had no idea what 'six geese a-laying' was referring to. Below is Dynamic Catholic's explanation. One of the ways to celebrate involves nature. The Sixth Day of Christmas: Six Geese A-La...
The information below was written and provided by in their "Best Home Equity Rates in 2024 article. You can retrieve other loan information at their website at Fund.comWhat Is a Home Equity Loan?A home equity loan allows you to borrow against your home equity, which is the portion of you...
I just had to share this Facebook video with those who have not seen it. Click on the link below to witness a super amazing spontaneous performance. Image courtesy of Pixabay.
At the end of this post, click on the link to see the creative tangerine dessert. Despite their small size compared with other citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, tangerines are nutrient- and water-rich — in fact, they’re about 85% water (2Trusted Source). Here’s the nutrient profil...
Below is the history of the Fifth Day of Christmas courtesy of Dynamic CatholicThe Fifth Day of Christmas: Five Golden RingsThe five golden rings represent the first five books of the Old Testament, also known as the Pentateuch or the Torah. These books include: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Number...