The USA is currently ranked #37 in the world in health care by the WHO (World Health Organization). THAT is pathetic. We currently spend 40% more than France, who is ranked at #1 by the WHO. Yet we get so much LESS! Here's a great article I found on the NY Times. CLICK HERE. This is pretty right ...
OH MY GOD!!! We can't cover ILLEGAL ALIENS in the new health care bill! NEWSFLASH- We already do!! And honestly, would you want it any other way?? Would you want to live in a country where if a person went in to the emergency room who was badly bleeding, or had a broken bone would be TURNED AWAY ...
This video is a good, simple terms idea of what the "public option" really is, to follow up on my post from yesterday. It's less than 2 minutes long - Please take the short time to watch it, and feel free to comment with your thoughts if you want.
MY situation: I’m among the millions and millions of uninsured Americans. I’m 27 years old, and extremely healthy. I hardly ever get sick. I eat healthy. I exercise. I’m not overweight (at all!). I don’t use any prescriptions. I am a non-tobacco user. I’m completely, 100% LOW RISK with one except...
Day 1: Landed in Washington DC, and caught a cab to my boyfriend's cousin's house in Bethesda. We spent the afternoon chilling out, and had a few beers. Later that night, we went out to downtown Bethesda, where we had a half pitcher of white sangria at a nice Mexican restaurant. We walked to the ...
Here are five ways you can lower your impact on the environment this thanksgiving!1) Buy locally and regionally produced food! Most farmers markets will carry locally and organically grown sweet potatoes, carrots, home made jams, cheeses, breads, and much much more! If you're family tradition ...
I have just finished reading in detail the Obama/Biden health plan... and what do you know - it makes SENSE!! Finally, self employed individuals, such as Realtors, will have access to health coverage at a decent price... and here's the best part! Insurance companies will NO LONGER BE ALLOWED to...
Park City has always been known as a great resort community with CLEAN mountain air! A new study, however, shows that Park City's air pollution is on the rise. Summit county residents need to get on board to nip this problem in the but before it becomes worse. Salt Lake City has some of the wo...
Here in Utah, Summer temperatures are still hot!! But the nights are starting to cool off, so instead of cranking your AC all ay, instead try opening windows at night, and using a fan to help bring in some of the cool night air! Then, in the morning, close your windows and the house will stay co...