Accelerated Plans Reduce Interest and Help You Pay Off the Loan Faster Do you want to pay less interest on your home loan? Of course you do, and it's not difficult. There are a few different methods you can use to reduce your total interest and pay off your mortgage at a faster rate. Bi Weekly P...
Another Snow Day in Southern New Jersey today. My sons school was closed again today and my work actually was closed so we got to spend all day together. I began to feel how lucky I have to have the kind of job that I do, from time to time, have the ability to work from home. Some are not so luck...
I just heard this story in my office and wanted to be sure to share it with Realtors in the Active Rain community. Also it is good for home owners to be aware of this as well. If your potential buyer has recently been out of work for 6 months or longer, and is looking to get an FHA mortgage ( who...
If you are looking to buy or sell a home, you'll probably want to not only find the best agent for your needs, but one with integrity and one that knows the ropes. They don't have to be your best friend, but they should be someone that you genuinely like-because you'll be spending a lot of time ...
This is a great post that is worth a read if you find yourself considering an FHA 203K! My theme lately has been setting the proper expectatitions and this post does just that.So we have gone through a lot of different scenarios about FHA 203k rehab loans and we have done a bunch of question and...
With today's Real Estate market flooded with bank owned properties and short sales, the FHA 203K is a loan product that is in hot demand. Myself included has been trying to push this loan product. It has endless advantages to first time home buyers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. You're able to f...
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. To say I enjoyed mine with be an understatement. My son got to sleep over at his cousins house on Saturday which allowed me to go out and have a nice dinner with some friends at Ponzio's in Cherry Hill. My niece and my son are only separated by 5 days so to...
In a recent survey. 69% of consumers want to decrease their debt. 18% said they wanted to increase their credit score. 7% want to get rid of their credit cards all together. 7% want to increase their savings. These goals can all be achieved over time - if you take a few steps now that can save yo...
And, you have the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill to thank for it. Starting July 21, 2011, lenders will have to provide you with your credit score if you are turned down for a loan OR are charged a higher rate than the "best" rate they have to offer. This appliies to everyone - mortgage compani...
The FHA 203(k) loan is the most popular renovation product today. There is an enormous demand for Real Estate, Construction and Inspection industry professionals with the knowledge of this product across the United States. You don't want to miss this webinar. Realtors can increase sales, Contract...