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Real Estate Agent - Joy Daniels Real Estate Group, Ltd.
                                        My biggest gratitude this year is a cancer-free year for my youngest son. It’s hard to put into words the weight of that statement after everything we’ve been through as a family.In 2021, our world was turned upside down when he was diagnosed with a large b...
        They say things happen in 3's, usually referring to the bad things in life. When one challenge strikes, it seems like another follows quickly behind, and then a third arrives before things settle down. But I’ve come to believe that the rule of threes doesn’t just apply to hardships—good ...
                                                                                     Every Veteran’s Day, I find myself reflecting on my father. He served as an Army Chaplain with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and his military career meant we moved frequently—every few years to a new post, a n...
                                  As I sit here in the comfort of my warm and welcoming home, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. There’s something incredibly grounding about having a space to call your own—somewhere to rest, recharge, and create memories. I’ve been fortunat...
The real estate market has definitely had some large ups and downs in 2023.  It has been a strong Seller Market, which means the process of buying real estate favors mainly the Seller.  It is commonly characterized by the low inventory of housing which often allows sellers to raise their prices s...
 DUAL AGENCY - When a real estate agent becomes a dual agent, they technically represent both parties in the transaction. When a consumer hires a real estate agent, they expect that person to be in their corner. They are hiring a professional they can count on to give them sound advice. They may ...
                         We have all seen coverage of wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters.  I have personally lived through several hurricane/flooding disasters.  The news coverage usually end up with homeowners asking, "Where do I start—everything is gone!" Losing a home...
 A big thank you to John Meussner with Mason-McDuffie Mortgage, an amazing lender that I met years ago on Active Rain and have had several great interactions.  I realized that you can teach an old dog new tricks because I learned so much from John about Federal Rate Hikes and mortgage interest ra...
$ $ $ Pricing your home correctly is one of the hardest parts of selling, but it is also one of the most important. Having the right price can make or break your home sale, especially in today’s constantly changing market. Things are starting to shift away from the white-hot seller’s market, so i...
              The siding on your home is not there just for aesthetic reasons. It actually serves a purpose —protecting your house from the elements, yet it can simultaneously provide your home with style.  While some homes use brick or stone, many other houses are designed with siding material t...

Joy Daniels

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smartphone(717) 379-6595
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