My "Top 10 Ways to lower Hiome Insurance Costs" was so popular I decided to add my "Top 10 Ways to lower Auto insurance Costs" too. Hope this is helpful. - John O. HOW CAN I LOWER MY AUTO INSURANCE COSTS?10 ways you can save money on auto insurance: Multi-policy discounts.Many insurers will give
Many real estate agents ask me so i published the top ten ways to lower insurance costs. We recently lowered a buyers costs by $100/mo by customizing their insurance. This helped them get the new home thet wanted. So here's the top ten list. Let me know if I can help you sell in the tulsa area!
I'm seeing more people want to do business from their home or office. About 20% of my business now comes from the internet. Besides creating and advertisng my website to insurance prospects, My Realtor network uses the FAST FREE On-Line Insurance Quote service to help clients get a competitive