Encinitas Real Estate and Homes - EncinitasCarlsbad.com

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Encinitas Real Estate and Homes, including Encinitas market updates, home brochures, and photographs.



I just posted the maps of the North County NODs and Trustee sales.  The REO map shows the same story.  If you live in San Marcos, Vista, Oceanside, or Escondido, your home's value may be affected by the foreclosure events that you see on the news.   Here's the bank-owned map we generated from inf...
We like to plot data on maps so that you can see what's happening.  It tells a more descriptive story than trying to visualize what a list looks like.  Below is our map of Notices of Default (NODs) that have occurred in the past 15 days (supplied to us from a title company).As you will see, the m...
A picture is worth a 1000 words, and here's how foreclosures are happening in North County right now.  As you can see, the foreclosures are primarily situated in:San MarcosVistaOceansideEscondidoBottom line: If you're thinking about buying a house in one of these areas, you need to think about wh...
We recently joined the Del Mar Chamber of Commerce.  One of the local restaurant chains saw that we joined and sent us a mailer so that we would use them for catering.  My teenage son got the mail from the mailbox, and when he saw it, he took it upon himself to mark it up and grade it, just like ...
Hey Everyone,Margaret and I just wanted to let you know that we've created a group for the newly emerging High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography.  As with the Aerial Photography subgroup, this is intended as a second place to post any HDR-related posts.  So, post to Photography AND post to the HDR ...
For those of you who are shopping for homes in better school districts, we have the tools for you!  Last year we updated our homes-by-school-boundary maps to reflect the updated school scores.   This is just a sample map, but you can get the idea of what this is all about.  The flags show where t...
Foreclosure properties!  Everyone wants to know about them.  So we created some special computer programs to sort through the MLS listings and identify (as best we can) which properties are bank foreclosures and which are not.  (That may sound easy, but it's not as easy as you think.)  Here's an ...
Lee Jinks and I created a new subgroup for Aerial Photography which is now located at http://activerain.com/groups/aerial.  This new area will be a repository for anything involving aerial photography (pictures via any of the following: plane/helicopter; poles/masts; radio-controlled planes, blim...
High Dynamic Range (HDR) Photography Group This group is dedicated to using the new cameras, tools, and software to extend the range of exposure and color known as HDR. So, what should you post to the group?Questions or problems relating to any HDR photography issues, including how to do itInform...
Aerial Photography Group Plane/Helicopter, Pole, Kite/Balloon, and Remote Vehicle (Helicopter, Plane, Blimp) This group is dedicated to the getting the camera off the ground! In the past, that meant getting in a plane or a helicopter with a telephoto lens. Photographers still do that, but with th...

John Hokkanen

Encinitas Real Estate
local_phone(760) 942-4242
smartphone(760) 634-0300
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Encinitas Real Estate and Homes, including Encinitas market updates, home brochures, and photographs.