I am continually perplexed by the increasing number of Buyers and Sellers who find it "inconvenient" to make time to attend their real estate closing. Yes, you can appoint an Attorney-in-Fact or do a mail out but it's not the same as being there. I just don't get it. A sale or purchase of a home
We are often provided a copy of a Seller's existing title insurance policy and a disturbing trend for Buyers is appearing. As a cost cutting move, some title companies have stopped searching for all of the recorded rights that may affect the property being purchased. If the title commitment and p
I am the owner of John Bethell Title Company, Inc. in Bloomington, Indiana and this is my blog. I follow a variety of blogs on the Internet. It never occurred to me that I could have my own blog until several weeks ago. A friend of mine gave a talk about the phenomena of social media and how blo