We've all probably asked ourselves this question. We wonder... "Why is my client so hesitant to put their house on the market?" or "Why are they so afraid to make an offer on a home that is perfect for them?" Buyers and sellers fear change. We all do. What's amazing is that we fear change even if...
Hi everyone. Dave Jenks was kind enough to put together two great videos talking about the principles he teaches and how they are related to the Fearless Living Tour TM. Enjoy! If you didn't see the announcement of the first dates and locations Dave and I are heading to, click here to see if we ...
I'm going to try hard to not sound like some cable channel entertainment reporter here...However, Wednesday night, American Idol contestant Kat Nestel quit right before her group performance, fearful she was going to mess up.She didn’t want to humiliate herself despite already passing two solo au...
I know I've been talking a lot about the Fearless Living Tour, which is just so exciting to me, but I wanted to get back to our discussion about the fears buyers and sellers have. In fact, part of what we as real estate professionals are doing is helping our clients become fearless. Being fearles...
Hi everyone, Thank you so much for the incredible response we’ve received since our announcement last week! I filmed another short video to talk about what being “fearless” really means and how the Fearless Living Tour is different from some of the other coaching seminars or programs out there. –...
John Alexandrov reveals how the Fearless Living Tour with Dave Jenks and Laurie Hathorn came to be!
Are you ready to live a fearless life and build a fearless business? DAVE JENKS AND JOHN ALEXANDROV ANNOUNCE LAUNCH OF “FEARLESS LIVING TOUR" If Real Estate Professionals MUST Attend One Event this Year, Don’t Miss The “Dream Team” From Free Enterprise Warriors and Real Estate Inner Circle Starti...
We've been talking a lot lately about the fears every buyer and seller has, and what we as real estate professionals must do to recognize them, and react to them. I think we all agree that buyers/sellers have these fears and that they must be over-come. But how do we over-come them? In this video...
A lot of people write to us about how hard life has been. They recount stories of a bad business climate, the strains it causes in relationships and drowning in debt. And the question people are asking is, when do the GOOD things start? I'm about to tell you the answer. Now - full disclaimer ...
Yesterday I talked about why objections are so important, and in the video, Michael and I discussed how it is very likely that when a buyer or seller gives you an objection, there is something deeper at play. Today I am going to reveal the six common fears ALL buyers and sellers have. I have the...