I was raised in the Portland, Oregon area, where residents have to crush every object flat before they trash it, because they have such a limited amount that they can put out for collection. It's always seemed lazy and wasteful to take advantage of the fact that the amount of trash we put out eve
I'm re-blogging this (not so) funny post about the perfect showing, because I actually have this house listed right now! Agents - if this sounds like a dream to you, be sure to show 4445 W. 63rd Pl. There's no pool, and I can't guarantee cookies - but if you give enough notice I'll get some (
I don't have any affiliation with the people putting this class on, but I know what a difficult time I had finding good information about HAFA short sales when I needed it, and I know a lot of agents haven't even heard of them. So I want to get the word out - there are good classes out there,
It's a question I haven't been asked before, "Should we rent or should we buy ... when we already own a home?" Should we sell our house and buy another one? - Or - Should we rent out our house and rent another one? There's a couple more choices they haven't asked me about (yet) Should we rent out
This is the twelfth and final post in a series. If you haven't been keeping up, you can go back and read my first post about Gardening Between Denver and Boulder, and from there go to the second, third,etc. If you are a Colorado gardener, especially in the area between Denver and Boulder, I'd
This is the eleventh in a series. If you haven’t been keeping up, you can go back and read my first post about Gardening Between Denver and Boulder, and from there go to the second, third,etc. Or, go on from here to my last Gardening Between Denver and Boulder post. If you are a Colorado gardene
This is the tenth in a series. If you haven’t been keeping up, you can go back and read my first post about Gardening Between Denver and Boulder, and from there go to the second, third,etc. If you are a Colorado gardener, especially in the area between Denver and Boulder, I’d love to hear about y
I received an email from the other day from Chris Thomas of The Mortgage Experts at America's Mortgage LLC, about one way to raise your credit score. A higher score makes a difference in how much you can borrow when you want to buy a house, and in what interest rate you will pay. There are lots o
I have a question for real estate agents who list short sales: Do you recommend short sellers stay in their home or move out? And a follow-up question: Does it make a difference if there is a '3rd party investor' involved? The reason I ask, is because I always wonder where people went when I sh
The following is a report I wrote to a client after I previewed nine Denver homes for them. Previewing homes is only one of the services I provide my clients. I thought there might be someone 'out there' buying a house who'd like to get an idea what to expect from a full service real estate agent