End of The Year Tax Tips Disclaimer :>) Talk you your tax accountant to see if these tips apply to your situation 1. Maximize Your 2006 Expenses To reduce your bottom line, this week, purchase everything you will be needing for your office. I stock up on ink for the printer, buy a case or two o
All week, I've been having a blast!!!! Talk about being treated like a queen...I've never had this much champagne (tho it is virtual!) in my whole life. Been visiting Blogs and spreading the word of how you can get lots of goodies and have all the money be a contribution to CARE. WE JUST ANNOUNCE
Is the model you use these days a "one size fits all" model? Or can consumers choose from a menu of services?Do they have the choice to pick an choose? To be competitive in the coming years, should you be expanding your thinking about what serves consumers best and what serves you? If you'd like
Have you ever committed to a goal and as the deadline looms in front of you, you wonder what were you thinking when you set that that large, now seemingly impossible goal?As I work with my coaching clients, I encourage unrealistic goals. They are much more fun, borne of passion and possibility. T
Beginning this month, I am the guest hostess for a Podcast athttp://www.agentroundup.com/ The December Podcast features an overview of what it takes to serve today's consumer. By clearly defining your positioning in the marketplace, you are better able to show value.First define which segment of