As 2024 draws to a close have you been thinking about finally building wealth in 2025. If so it is time to take action! (Thinking by Mahbub Hasan, Pixabay) Take the first step to build wealthReal estate is the key. If you have been sitting on the fence and "thinking" but not "doing" you are not g...
The USS Arizona is remembered in Arizona to this day. Here pictured leaving New York harbor during WW1 in 1916 before being sunk in the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor in 1941.With the anniversary of  the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii attack on December 7, 1941, as Franklin Delanor Roosevelt (FDR) said, "A D...
OK, it is not even Winter yet. Have the Great Lakes Snow Storms got you down? Longing for some Global Warming right now? Maybe  you should head WEST to Sunny Arizona and buy a home!Sunny Arizona by Michelle Raponi, PixabayHead West with Whatever Transportation You Have AvailableNo  SUV? Hop on yo...
Why Choose Chandler Arizona to Live and Buy A Home? Why Chandler? (photo: Robin Higgins, Pixabay)Chandler is a GREAT place to live. Chandler and sister cities Gilbert and Scottsdale are consistently rated amongst the best places to live and raise a family in the United States of America. Wow, wha...
Looking for a Ho Hum home? Want to live life Carefree or maybe "In Carefree"? Who doesn't.Does LIFE feel like a Jumbled Mess full of STRESS? Are you looking for a less stressful existence? Maybe it is time to live more carefree in Carefree Arizona? Hey, I can help you with on.Stressf...
What is YOUR house FAMOUS For?  Have you noticed that people often NAME their HOUSE after some specific attribute that the house is known for, ok maybe not quite famous. For example, I even hear buyers name the house they want a second or third showing of, such as: 1. The Creek House2. The White ...
What is it about homes with a circular driveway entrance? Why do people seek these types of homes? (Five photo: Alexander Lesnitsky, Pixabay)Let me count the 5 reasons circle driveway homes in Phoenix are sought after:1. They just look cool, like an estate2. You don't have to back your car out in...
Who Ya Gonna Call when buying your home in the Phoenix Arizona metro area and building generational wealth?Wisdom is needed in life.Hopefully you are not going to call the Ghostbusters. Who You Gonna Call?In the movie, they called the Ghostbusters (Image by Yerson Retamal from Pixabay)The Ghostbu...
With the world seeming to change every day and not always for the good, there is a reason to give some GRATITUDE about a good old football trophy, The "Territorial Cup". The game for the trophy is played today in Tucson Arizona. A trophy and a rivalry that goes way back and is fun. It is somethin...
GOTTA Go To Gilbert Arizona! Why? (Photo Van on way to Gilbert Arizona, Pexels Pixabay)GILBERT Arizona and consider sister cities Chandler and Scottsdale as all are consistently rated amongst the best places to live and raise a family in the United States of America. Wow, what an honor! See the D...