Jim Hirschhorn's (jhirschhorn) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Real Living Real Estate Solutions
In the infamous words (for those of you who are old enough to remember) of Phil Donahue, is the caller there? Yes the caller is there but he or she always seems to pop up in Meetings. Maybe I am more sensitive as it is license renewal time so i have been attending more meetings and classes at the...
I recently attended a Property Management Workshop. The class was made up of Property Managers, managing 100+ Properties to people like me that have never managed any properties. I started thinking about all of the agents that are getting into the Property Management game and realized just how un...
When you get an email from a friend and they tell you about a new website, you are like a kid in a candy store. Everything from snow globes that make the people inside fly all over the place to elfs with your family pictures as the faces. There are more websites out there than we could ever see i...
Ok, time for stereotypes..Accountants are nerdy, lawyers are all bad and travel agents like free stuff. (my mom is a travel agent and I grew up with tons of paperclip holders and sponges that looked like earth!) Ok, I think it is safe to say it is a pet peeve. Looking at all of the listings out t...
The statistic keeps changing. We use .5% of our brains on a regular basis. Geniuses use .6% and that puts them far above the average person. The same goes for computer software. Ever have a day when you were board and started looking through the file menus of Microsoft Word? I have. Does anyone k...
So there we sit, waiting on an offer to come in on our listing. It has been on the market for many a moons and finally out of the blue, the fax machine rings! Yee haw. Wait a minute...shouldn't we have gotten a call from the agent first? Hmmm. The offer is somewhat low (about $30,000) and upon fu...
The first time I worked with buyers, it was a disaster. I was given the information at 4PM on a friday and was to pick them up at 6PM. I was very nervous and was given a handful of listings and told, "Go Get Em". I pulled up at saw the husband and wife, grandma and 2 kids. Even after switching to...
I attended a meeting today and the topic was identity theft. I was under the impression, like many others, that Identity Theft only occured with credit cards and driver's licenses. Today, I saw how those are only 2 of the types. Apparently social security numbers is huge also. People use the stol...
We have all gotten them. Emails that are automated that advertise a listing. The agents pay a fee and they get sent out to hundreds of agents instantly. I find myself torn with these. I am not someone who gets crazy about getting SPAM mail. My filter catches a good amount and if other mail gets t...
We know that 80% of individuals are searching the internet when first looking for a home. We also know that newspaper readership and advertising is way down, as a result of the internet. Newspaper prices remain high in many markets around the country. Also, it appears that newspaper readership is...

Jim Hirschhorn

GRI, Real Living - Orlando
local_phone(407) 253-1377
smartphone(321) 436-5300
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