Jim Hirschhorn's (jhirschhorn) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Real Living Real Estate Solutions
In almost every career and company across America employees come and go. Especially after years of service, companies are usually shocked and surprised that an anchor of that company is deciding to move on. After the shock, many companies or groups of friends start planning their going away festi...
I recently wrote a blog on Agents that are barricading themselves in when it comes to their emails. It can be read at http://www.lifeasanagent.com/jim-hirschhorn/speak-when-spoken-to-only/show/.My experience came from trying to contact these agents for recruiting purposes but was struck by how di...
I was at the bank yesterday to open up an account. Isn't it amazing that when we are asked to wait, we became excellent observers? We watch everyone and everything and wonder what they are doing at every turn. If a conversation between two co-workers ensues, we wonder why aren't they helping me i...
 Not the Spiced Ham variety but the kind that is filled with information on every topic known to man. If you are Lonely or Unpopular, SPAM might be the only contact from the outside world. SPAM mail is mail that is suspect. Suspect to be everything from a get rich quick scheme to an actual virus....
Keeping a Realtor interested is challenging in many areas of their lives. Attending Open Houses, Seminars and Training Sessions. With my background being in Corporate Training, I am often faced with the task of keeping Agents interested in various training topics. The challenges are that there is...
Simple..everyone does! I have told my agents for years that as a newly licensed Realtor, everyone wants your money. "Come to our FREE seminar" and we will show you in 5 easy steps how to build confidence with your Customers on a daily basis."Dial 1-800-UTakeit and we will help you get over the sl...
Brokers in Real Estate are trained from early in their career to recruit, recruit and recruit some more. When you think about it, many companies and Brokers play the numbers game. There are many large Real Estate companies out there that have agents numbering in the hundreds. Agents are told that...
In school, when the teams were being picked, you were either picked first or last. If you were picked somewhere in the middle, you were always able to justify it by saying to yourself, "Yes, I wasn't picked last!"In Real Estate, Teams are an easy way for new agents to feel more comfortable about ...
Why is it that when the market takes a turn, agents expect things to be given to them? It seems as if many of the recent calls I have gotten have been from experienced agents who are calling around, doing their investigative work, as to which company will give them everything that they need on a ...
My training experience includes working for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel company, Planet Hollywood, The Registry Resort in Naples Florida, Siemens-Westinghouse as well as various Real Estate Companies. I have fought the notion for many years with various companies that when dollars get tight, training ...

Jim Hirschhorn

GRI, Real Living - Orlando
local_phone(407) 253-1377
smartphone(321) 436-5300
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