Jesse's Blog

Real Estate Agent - eXp Realty, LLC
Jesse Kaye's Guide to everything Short Hills and Millburn New Jersey.
One might think it's strange to mention Alcoholics Anonymous in a real estate blog, but I assure you it's a life or death issue for some buyers and sellers and their families. Many folks would be surprised how many people look for homes based on the availability of an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting...
Sure. Storms do pass through New Jersey -- but it's rare that to see winds as heavy as they were on Tuesday evening. I was driving home from getting a contract signed, and the rain was coming down so hard it looked like water was shooting out of the pavement. Here's a video here's a video that a ...
   I love being a Real Estate agent. I do. It's kind of like sticking your arm in a fish tank full of  piranhas. I was reading Anthony Robbins, and well he always bring out my positive side.  
Hum. I don't know what to say.
Two weeks ago Friday, I helped wonderful couple close on a fantastic town home is New Providence, New Jersey. These folks were an absolute pleasure to work with. Very low-key. Ideal clients.On Saturday, I called my client to see how the move-in was going. He wasn't moving in. What?No. He was in M...
Short Hills and Millburn New Jersey are both broken into small sections. These microcosms are usually, but not always, named after the grade school in that area. In fact, Short Hills is basically a section of Millburn Township. This section is then broken down into further sections. Confusing Huh...
As of today, there are currently 113 properties listed as Active in Millburn New Jersey & Short Hills New Jersey. In addition, there are currently 79 properties listed as Under Contract in Millburn & Short Hills. Total properties Sold in Millburn Township YTD equals 55.For more info contatact Jes...

Jesse Kaye

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Jesse Kaye's Guide to everything Short Hills and Millburn New Jersey.