When our new country had but a few citizens the electoral college was a necessary evil. Now that we have swelled to the size that we are should not your vote count?   There have been too many Presidents elected via a process not of the people but of the special interest groups.    Since our cou...
      I have been flying for years in general aviation aircraft , but with the recent trend towards light sport aircraft I thought I would try one.       I stepped into a Evektor Sport Star. I was a 2007 model , but had everything a general aviation pilot or a light sport pilot would ever need.  ...
      Our family run business is enjoying its 40th year of business thanks to our many clients and customers. From humble beginings to the present day..we meet great people everyday.      My mother is 95 and still comes to work about 3 times a week. She has been our guiding hand and mentor,since ...
   Just yesterday, while traveling on a side street .I observed a driver  start her car and from a parked location without a blinker,hand or any other type of hand signal make a U turn into the moving traffic flow! This caused horns and screeching tires,but the parked driver proceeded on as if no...
 If you have someone looking for a horse farm in Virginia. I believe we have covered the bases. 12 Acres with a barn,paddocks,farm house in Caroline County........................................$675,000. 45 Acres  with a new Barns  + more in Louisa County with owner finance.........................
  Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my land America! We have people that are entitled to take your hard earned money with no retribution. You have a commander in-chief that has never run a business levying taxes like pouring water from a spout on those that work for a living.  Our country treat...
   Ever thought of leaving the ground and soaring like a bird? You can do this without a medical certificate just your driver's license. Go on line to and get your 30 minute flight and lesson for  $99. per person.   The local soaring club in your area will show what is like to free th...
     It is time to turn the finance clock back to a simpler time. If you saw a home that you liked.You found a Realtor to go to the owner an project your offer to buy their property.      The times are a changing in the real estate market. Lenders are making it almost impossible to get a loan.Unl...
   As a Realtor , some where along the way .You might purchased the car or truck of your dreams and during the preceding years you may have paid it off. This is not my point.   What gives the general public the right to open their car or truck doors directly into your car causing a dent or scar i...
..Recently one of our listings had a VA contract on it. I thought it was a good thing for the veteran and the seller. The VA assigned appraiser did the appraisal in late March this year. The appraiser used short sales and foreclosures even though there were regular sales was nuts.  ...

Bill Lauler

Associate Broker,CIPS,CRB,SRES,GRI
smartphone(703) 283-2836
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