The Top 7 Layout Guidelines for Your Home Page Header should be less than 15% of the overall page height Studies have been done that show site visitors respond better to pages that have one column best...then two...pages with 3 columns become to difficult for visitors to decide where to look to f
What are the top 5 links visitors want to see on a real estate agent's site? To answer that question we have several different types of visitors, a few examples are: Buyers Sellers Investors People relocating (potential buyers yes...but looking for more in-depth info than a local buyer) Renters L
Let's do a quick recap of the previous 4 posts: Post 1: A Step-by-Step approach to begin developing a complete internet strategy. There were 4 questions you needed to jot down the answers to. Post 2: What is your Objective with your site or blog. Often times we have one because we are told to,
Hey...I've posted a few more Two-Minute Video Tips about Outlook and Top Producer. I'll be posting more in the next week or so. I currently have: Email Drip Campaigns Importing (Top Producer) contacts into Outlook Exporting Contacts to back them up, put onto another computer or to send to a mai
I know one of the hopes we have is to streamline our communication with clients and prospects. Why? We know that if we do this effectively we will benefit by saving time (streamlining) and see an increase in our business (more referrals and higher conversion rates with prospects becoming client
Wow...the response was overwhelming from my last post (a little sarcasm). I had asked: Which do you think creates the most friction for a website visitor? (friction occurs when we ask a site visitor to take some form of Filling out your name, phone number and email OR Asking so
Last post we talked about visitor anxiety and I mentioned friction...let's briefly cover that now. Definition of Friction: the rubbing between two surfaces clash of opinions Thesaurus: resistance abrasion chafing When talking about websites friction is encountered when a visitor is asked to take
In the previous post I wanted you to answer 4 key questions to help you determine what you want from your site. The first question asked was: What is your objective? In this post we'll dig into that question a bit deeper to see if I can provide some insight for you. What is your objective with
A Step-by-Step approach to help you begin to develop a complete internet strategy. I have received comments and questions pertaining to "having a complete internet presence"...what is it, what should it include and how should it work. First of all not everyone wants or needs the same things from
I was wondering if I could get your comments on Top Producer 7i or 8i. I have noticed several agents migrating away from Top Producer to other programs, such as Microsoft's Outlook. As a title rep I am curious what you are hearing from your clients about Top Producer 7i or 8i. Anything? Are you