The flat fee to list a home with Inman Park Realty will be $995.00. This fee is independent of the sales price or the type of home. This service is available only to the residents of Inman Park. Why $995.00? As with any new venture, it’s critical to create a business model that is appealing to co
Inman Park Realty was created as a project for agents considering DBA (Doing Business As) branding. Our intention was to build Inman Park Realty from scratch and document the process so other agents could see for themselves how to create their own DBA companies. As a DBA experiment, IPR didn’t
An old friend from college, a dentist, feels compelled to send me rants about the real estate industry. As if his industry doesn’t stink with its own overly priced, unnecessary procedures. But, this particular rant was very different. Yes, it was well-written, a rarity for sure, but it was the
Excuse me; “what did you say?” When a real estate agent relocates to Atlanta Georgia, and hears the term, “little r”, for the first time, they are often confused. In truth, wherever they were from, the idea of living in a two “r” world never have crossed their mind. But here in Atlanta, we
Real Estate sales agents in the Southeastern region of the United States who bought zip code leads from Zillow—you were probably ripped off. Help our agent Community, let’s get our collective Zillow stories to the Attorney General. Here is their scam.For any number of reasons an agent buys into t
She told me; “they are moving to an all team concept”. She wasn’t a Zillow employee, rather a Zillow power buyer describing her vision of their future. I had no reason to doubt her as she had just participated in a company sponsored panel with other power buyers staged for a crowd of lesser zip c
Even the most avid NAR backer will admit over 90% of its membership couldn’t articulate a single benefit. After numerous decades, how is that even possible? This leaves many to the opinion NAR, the non-profit trade group chartered with representing its members, may actually be more concerned
The real estate industry finds itself at a, “branding”, crossroad. The traditional franchise template has turned sour. Many agents find the often, “personality-branded”, approach of independent Brokerages not that helpful to their businesses. In too many instances, an agent’s choice in brokerage
To many Atlanta area agents, the conversations and threads found on activerain don't often make a lot of sense. This is in large part to Atlanta being so weird in real estate--or rather unique. Atlanta is the only market in the United States where agents don't have to join Boards to get access
Other than politics, it’s hard to imagine another industry that relies so heavily on false narratives. As a matter of fact, the real estate industry rates only steps behind its political brethren in terms of publishing storylines not necessarily aligned with reality. Ever stand in a room of real