There is a tendency for people in financial straits to ignore their problem until it is too late. Don’t sit back and do nothing when there are options out there that will do much less damage to your credit and might even allow you to keep your home. If you simply let the bank take your home with
1957 Rockford Rd is a recently listed Silver Lake Streamline Moderne overlooking the Silver Lake Reservoir. Situated on Rockford Rd, the short road just above Silver Lake Blvd, this home affords some of the best views across the reservoir from the Moreno Highlands. This Silver Lake home has 3 bed
There are still a lot of listings in the MLS with the instructions to include a copy of the earnest deposit check with an offer. Any offers not including ALL required documents will not be considered. Exactly what is the point of this? I don’t know about you, but I’ve never heard of anyone bei
In spite of the fact that Los Angeles short sales have been around for the last 6 years or so, confusion about the process still abounds. So let’s take it from the beginning… The first step in a short sale is completion of the short sale package. Briefly, a short sale package contains information
36 On Echo – New Construction in Echo Park There are Echo Park buyers who want a little old California bungalow to call home, but lately I’ve been getting requests for new construction. 36 on Echo is the latest new construction in Echo Park and the first phase is nearing completion. Warning - i
There are several condominium complexes in the area but only a couple of live work lofts in Silver Lake. If you are truly looking to run a business out of your home, check out one of these two complexes. Sunset Silver Lake Lofts The Sunset Silver Lake Lofts complex at 4111 Sunset Blvd. was built
By now, the term “short sale” is part of the common vocabulary, but if you’re not sure exactly what that means, please read the post: What buyers and sellers should know about Los Angeles short sales. If you have been asking ‘Can I sell my Silver Lake home as a short sale”, read on! If you’re ups
Who doesn’t like Dwell Magazine and the style it shares with us all? I love to see all the latest in greatest architecture and home furnishings – maybe that’s why I enjoy real estate so much! For those of us lucky enough to live in Los Angeles, Dwell on Design will be at the L.A. Convention Cent
In 1978 a small group of people recognized that life was becoming increasingly international. Because they wanted their children to be prepared to function well in that environment, they wanted a school that would provide the necessary education. Thus, the Lycee International de Los Angeles was f
William Kesling’s Skinner House at 1530 Easterly Terrace., in Silver Lake is a prime example of Streamline Moderne architecture. This 1930’s architecture is a late version of the Art Deco style with its curving forms and long horizontal lines. The 1937 Skinner house is a 3 bedroom 2 bath home o