Many Realtors out there are skeptical about upgrading their Operating System with the new Microsoft Window 7. One main reason is because many have been burned with Vista and were not happy with the performance and security of Vista. And many took a chance of going back to Windows XP. That's quite
For the last several days it has been very depressing to see the stock market go down because of the Sub-Prime woes. Well, I'm not really that depressed because now the stocks are cheaper to buy than 2-3 months ago. That is if you're an investor or day trader. Don't you agree? Now, let's apply
Because of the on-going debate in Washington DC about 'Illegal Immigration', what happens to these qualified home buyers and home owners with only ITIN (Individual Tax ID Number) and have no legal residency? On July 11, 2007, Prince William County Board of Supervisors have passed an ordinance "t
Struggle begins! As a rookie agent in Northern VA I find the real estate market very challenging. With so much inventory in the market, and too little buyer shopping around, everyone is in survival mode, including myself. Thus, I finally started working with Renters. My broker started forwardi