Not sure the sport bottle you drink from or the container you ear your lunch out of is safe? There has been a lot of hype in the media lately about this. I did some digging and found a great article written by Mimi Brodeur of Newhouse News Service that explains what those numbers, and others, rea
Recently I was out on an environmental consultation and asked to evaluate for potential moisture intrustion and mold. I have been performing these type of consultation services for years so I was happy to assit this client. What I found was a musty odor and moisture intrusion in the lower level o
I recently inspected a 40 year old Rambler type home and encountered a situation where the attic access was located through a small removable access panel in the ceiling of a closet. While this is commonplace in these types of homes, the hard part is that often times the closet is packed full of
The demand for energy-efficient construction has significantly increased in recent times. Developments in the field of energy, together with the demand for pleasant indoor environments, have resulted in ever-greater significance having to be attached to both the function of a building's thermal i
Education is often viewed as the answer to social problems and historically speaking Americans place much importance into a quality education. This is probably because that unbeknownst to many, education transmits the culture from one generation to the next when it socializes the young into the b
Here in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul area of Minnesota we, along with may other people in the Midwest United States, get to experience quite a few thunderstorms each year during the summer months. Mild thunderstorms bring with them rain, a few cracks of thunder, and some fanfare in the form of
Selling a home and leaving is a stressful event. To help relieve that stress, sellers and buyers typically have "moving parties," "last parties," "first parties," or "housewarming parties." Or they move hurriedly so they don't have to take too much time off from work or use up vacation days or si
In The Twin Cities Minnesota Area the number of foreclosures is increasing. Many times these properties are distressed due to lack of maintenance during the redemption period. Often times the homes suffer damage such as frozen water pipes or are just plain neglected. These homes can sit vacant fo
Go ahead, ask away. While I don't claim to know everything I can generally find the answer in a hurry by consulting with my other 9,000 colleagues across the country by posting a question on our inspections message board.