In my last post I talked about the importance of having an attorney on your team when buying or selling a home in NJ. Legal rights, obligations and questions require legal advice from an attorne...
If you are buying or selling a home you have entered into a binding contract that gives you legal rights as well as legal obligations and responsibilities. Like every buyer and seller, you will have questions about those rights and responsibilities as you move through your transaction. Where ...
Attorney Review is the opportunity for the attorneys on both sides of the transaction to review the Contract and request changes that the attorneys feel are in their client’s best interests. Don’t be alarmed when you see an attorney letter saying that the Contract is “disapproved.” This is the s...
My practice has been dedicated to real estate transactions for 20 years. My firm excels in client service, communication, and client satisfaction. My business comes from referrals from realtors and we highly value the realtors that trust their clients to us. I understand how important it is for ...
If you're thinking about selling your home in NJ, you might be wondering where to start, what the steps in the process are, and how to achieve your goals. If this sounds familiar, this post is for you! The Stages of the Transaction for Sellers Attorney ReviewOnce signed by buyers and sellers, the...
Successful real estate transactions, especially when buying in New Jersey, start with the buyer assembling the right team of professionals to guide you through the process and regular on-going communication between you and your team of professionals. Your team of professionals should include a gr...
I do a large volume of short sales, representing both buyers and sellers. In my experience, when a short sale fails it is usually not due to a failure to obtain bank approval. In fact, we are able to get bank approval on the majority of our Short Sales. The reasons for a short sale to fall apar...
In NJ, there is a "Debt Adjusters Act" that states that only persons licensed under the Act can legally negotiate mortgage modifications or short sales. Attorneys are exempt from the act and there are a few other narrowly tailored exemptions. To get a license there are background checks and the...
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It seems as though Short Sales are the growth segment in today's real estate market. Every day I receive calls from potential clients interested in buying or selling Short Sales. From speaking with the clients and their agents i know that there is a great deal of confusion as to how the transac...