Bob's Home Inspection Blog

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Home Inspector - Aspect Inspection
Bob's Blog is a continuing series of building technology half page or longer articles for Real Estate Professionals, as well as home buyers and home sellers. Information is presented from an experienced construction professional and residential inspector.
It's a cover and yes... it's a cover for electrical box, but it's not a cover for this electrical box. It looks like a frugal and creative solution. It is the cover for common wall/ceiling connection boxes and it does prevent errant fingers or tools from being poked in where they should'nt be.Ho...
Do You Really Want To Live In A Fireman's' Reno?   I saw this a few weeks ago while inspecting the neighbouring property. I couldn't resist taking a shot of it. The selling agent noticed and told me  a fireman owned the property and was fixing it up, renovating it in his off time. Her tone and at...
Another slant on 'deal killer'. It's not the inspector, it's the facts, the condition of the building was other than expected. "Deal killer" really describes only one view. This well written article takes the right view, service to the client. I find the whole discussion about inspectors being “d...
Do You Live In A Bubble ?..................................PUCC; People UN CLEAR On The Concept Some people don't think their decisions and home reno choices have any significant consequences. If so you might be living in a bubble. Honey? Where should we put the electrical panel?  I don't know de...
How Does A Flipper Like Their Eggs.....................................................The Lazy Flipper's Fridge  Have you heard of this one ?; How does a flipper like his fried eggs.....................I don't know, but you can bet they're not sunny side up! And - What does a flpper keep in his ...
You Might Be A Vampire If…………You’re Worried About Radio Activity. I recently got this warning via an acquaintance on facebook It came with the link below, which takes you to a site inviting you to a seminar/meeting on the subject.                                             Hydro Qc Installing Sm...
KABOOM. Nanny, Family, 2 Small Children Die in Fire. Cause Said To Be Electrical!  That may be the way the headline would read, but fortunately it has not happened. But conditions are prime for it and the risk level is high. The grey 'snow' layer covering everything under this house is laundry li...
Was it snowing on 10th Street today? Tool kit - check, Car brush - check, Ladder - check, Snowshoes - check                 This was todays job, at a lull in the wind,       and this is how I dealt with it. So, yes it was snowing. It was what a New Englander would call a sou'wester: gusting, drif...
Look at the last photo in this blog. You don't have to know a thing about electricity to know that it's perfect and state of the art, SAFE. If you've been told you've got panel issuses you should read this article. Change your panel, Change your life. Wenatchee and Chelan Home Inspection Services...
  The Elephant In The Room - Stringer Strangeness / Stringer Stress: Whats WRONG Here? This is under the basement stairs of a nice looking home less than 2 years old.   There are a few things wrong in this photo.   Can you spot all five structural defects? Here are a few hints;  1 - The riser of ...

Robert Butler

Montreal Home Inspector | Aspect Inspection
smartphone(514) 914-1249
Contact The Author
Usually I'm presenting an aspect of home maintenance, value improvement or 'how too' instructions to feature best practice ways to do things around building and property issues. Some times it's building tech history or how thing came to be as they are, the back story on terms, expressions and phrases. I keep track of the strange, the unique, the special and interesting things I get to see, including the dangers. These are filed as OMGs. OMGs always have photos, so I share the file with you from time to time. The rest come out of thin air. More than once I start writing a comment on someone else's blog and end up inking a whole new blog. Am I inspired or am I ranting? You can decide.