When you hire a REALTOR© to Sell your Home I attended a great all day program yesterday in NJ called “HearItDirect” where professional real estate practitioners had the chance to sit and listen to a panel of REAL buyers and sellers explain their experiences in either buying, or selling a home w...
The The definition of the word "distress" according to Webster is that of "suffering of body or mind: Pain, Anguish, Trouble, Misfortune...." the verb definition includes, "subject to great strain or difficulties, upset". We now see numerous headlines in todays real estate industry refering to...
I read several blogs this morning posted on various sites in reference to the new tax credit that MAY be available. Some words that stuck out were: Congress is working on, Great News, Anyone can Qualify, Anyone purchasing a home..Credit would NOT have to be repaid...$15,000 tax credit f...
It is hard to believe, but I am actually giving seminars to my fellow real estate agents on new programs and technology available to them from our main broker and our national affiliation. Now mind you, the reason I find this a little hard to comprehend, is the fact that I have been using th...
On my desk is the phrase, "If at first you DO succeed, try not to look astonished." It is a simple phrase that spins off the attitude of try, try, try, and never give up. What is does clearly is causes me to stop and think about doing a job correctly the first time, something I have noticed is ...
In an earlier post concerning the designations that one can obtain I was not promoting the designation but rather the courses involved that were necessary to take to obtain the designation. I agree with the comment that the majority of the "public" do not understand what the designations mean b...
Being fairly new in the business (2 year anniversary March of 08) there has been one theme that has been a constant running through my started when one of the top producers who has been in the business over twenty years explained to me when I asked about the meaning of the designatio...