Can you walk free From fear when it comes to todays world economic events? For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. - 2 Timothy 1:7 What would you think if I told you that you could live without fear? Would you believe me if I said that despite...
Are you aware that Barack Obama has removed the American flag from the tail section of his campaign plane and replaced it with a symbol of himeslf? I am not trying to make anyone mad here but am just curious, Is this okay? I will keep this brief. What are your thoughts? Does it matter to you? How...
  Have you ever wondered what effects our credit scores negatively?   There is first of all the obvious:   Recent late paymentsOld collection accounts New collection accounts Too Many inquiries Judgements Tax liens Bankruptcies Then there is not so obvious: Outstanding balances on our credit card...
Is The Government Mortgage Loan Bail out a Good Idea? Is The Government Mortgage Loan Bail out a Good Idea? At 7am today President Bush signed the new program into existence. The bill, the biggest overhaul of housing law in decades, provides a lifeline for an estimated 400,000 homeowners facing f...
Is The Government Mortgage Loan Bail out a Good Idea? At 7am today President Bush signed the new program into existence. The bill, the biggest overhaul of housing law in decades, provides a lifeline for an estimated 400,000 homeowners facing foreclosure, and provides assurances to the mortgage g...
WHERE TO BUY YOUR GASOLINE? THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO KNOW.  READ ON. Gas rationing in the 70's worked even though we grumbled about it.  It might even have been good for us! Are you aware that the Saudis are boycotting American products? Shouldn't we return the favor?  Can't we take control of o...
    What are your gas prices? Here in South carolina our prices are down to $3.51     Just a few days ago our prices were $3.68 so that is a decrease of 17 cents.     I think we are supposed to happy about this but one year ago our prices were $2.70, so we are still up 81 cents over last year.   ...
    I ran across an article entitled "Is This A Great Barnyard Or What," I removed all of the names to protetct the guilty. I thought you might enjoy it.     Once upon a time, on a farm in Virginia, there was a little red hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered quite a few grains...
I am asking, Do you want healthcare for illegals? Can we afford it. With our economy already stretched to the breaking point does this make sense?   Dick Morris said: The Democrats' single most important domestic proposal - universal health insurance - may blow up in Barack Obama's face when vot...
    Just thought it might be interested to ask you what are your gas prices? Our gas is $3.71 here in South Carolina and one station not far from here is $3.68     The economy is all over the place. Today they announced that Wachovia has a terrible loss of almost 9 billion dollars and is cutting ...


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