Asking for recommendations is always something I've been shy about because I fear someone will say no. Lately I've gone back to some past customers and asked, and they said yes! Recommendations are perfect for showing potential clients how you work and interact in your business with customers. He
I'm writing this article with regard to building business partner relationships because its something I'm currently focusing on right now. Who your business partners are can become an indicator of who you are and what your like to work with. Its the presentation personality and relatability to cl
When you run your own business you get pulled in several different directions and it can be overwhelming how many different ways you try to generate business and hustle. Here are my quick tips for creating successful methods of generating business. 1. Always try new methods for 30 to 60 days. The
Happy St. Patricks Day AR followers! Today is the day to celebrate the Irish, pinch anyone not wearing green, and pass on good luck! Remember to eat lots of great food, drink good beer (Guiness) and stay safe! If you have too much to drink get a cab or call a friend!
I chose the quote below beceause its something we all know but don't always remember in the moment. I've run into this a lot during my transition between companies. There are a lot of problems, however most got resolved easily, it was just a matter for having different perspectives and looking fo
1. Get to Know Your Customer! Yes they need a house, yes they probably should refinance. What do they need a new house for? Why should they refinance? Whats the additional benefit of making these changes? The answer to that and several other questions is what earns your trust and ability to work
I wanted to share a story about a great client of mine. His name was Ken. I was cold calling one morning about a month ago and found out he was interested in refinancing his home. As we got to talking he was at 5.75% on an FHA loan. After we reviewed the existing mortgage, we went over credit and
Happy Monday ActiveRain Followers! Are you ready to tackle another busy week? I've been reading articles that the real estate market in my area is heating up and inventory is shrinking which means people are buying! This is great news for us! I have a challenge for you guys: Try a new coffee pl
Another week is about to begin and it always feels like there is less time in the day to do take care of things. And we lost an hour last night! Couldn't be much harder could it? I'm happy to say that the end of last week rewarded me with new licensing and setup with the new company! It was ove
This is definately a set of great tips to help those starting out like myself! I have other LO's in the office that could use this list! Thank you! We recently hired 5 new Loan Originators at McCue Mortgage who are going through a 3 month training program to get licensed and to learn about our o