Building Equity: Over the long term, real estate has shown to increase in value year over year. Equity builds and puts money in your pocket down the road. Think of it as rent that pays you back. Tax Benefits: There are many tax advantages to owning a home. You can write off mortgage insurance and
Private Mortgage Insurance is never really explained well in the lending industry. Its usually given a short and brief explanation of your LTV is over 80% so its required. The End. I'm going to shed some light on this topic to create a better understanding of PMI. What is Private Mortgage Insuran
1. What is the down payment for the loan that I qualify for? Down payments vary depending on the loan type. FHA loans are 3.5%, conventional ranges from 3% to 20%, and VA and USDA loans are 0% down. Tell your loan officer up front how much you can bring as a down payment and where the down paymen
I recently had clients ask me the difference between the two types of qualifying for a mortgage. I thought this would be good to share as we all talk to potential home buyers and educating our clients makes us look professional and builds trust to gain another client and referrals! Pre-Qualificat
I've been out of the office a lot this week on various appointments with clients and realtors partners and feel like I'm having some success. I've also heard that some people struggle during appointments with various aspects, so I wanted to share my tips for getting the most out of your appointme
Hey AR Followers! My company changed names over the weekend to Finance of America Mortgage. These new changes are bringing renewed marketing efforts for my team and the ability to help those across the country with their mortgage needs. I'm looking forward to new beginnings and discovering what t
I discovered a powerful networking tool this week and was amazed at the response I have received. I have had a LinkedIn account for years and never thought to use it for networking purposes. I feel like a fool because it got me two referrals and four meetings with referral partners next week. It
1. Failure Teaches Self-Awareness. Self-awareness is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. What many people don’t realize is that failure is a combination of environmental factors and your growth a
Every loan has turbulence, but there are many things both the lender and the realtor can do to help smooth the flight for the client. Here are some quick tips:Over Communicate Frequently. Lack of communication during the transaction causes turbulence. Tell your clients how the process works in la
Its amazing how much time you can spend each week, deleting emails, writing emails, and organizing your inbox to find things quickly. Here are some quick email tips to minimize the time you use email. 1. Folders. Use a folder for every customer and store all documents in the folder. This gives yo