Pay Attention To The Details! Managing your finances is all about paying attention to the details! What rates of interest am I paying on credit cards? How much interest am I earning on my bank accounts. What does my cash flow look like each month? Is there more going out than coming in? Am I pay
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Get ready for next weekend as we will have divisional playoff's in the NFL all weekend! Rememer these simple steps for having a great monday: Make a plan! Stay focused! Check email later in the day! Contact current clients and prospects and invite them to have h
Life has become very fast paced over the past decade. Technology is at our finger tips and were always on 24/7. Its easy to get caught up in things and forgot how to organize time. Here are some quick tips to help make your life simple! Schedule: Make a schedule each day and try to stick to it
Happy New Year ActiveRain! I want to thank all of those who follow me on here and have commented on my posts! I'd like to wish everyone a prosperous 2015 full of success, new relationships, and new ventures! My goal for 2015 is to increase my network of contacts in my local area and create a succ
I want my clients to get the most out of working with me and to get what they need. Period. Here are some tips I will share on how you as a client can get the most out of your mortgage experience with me. Treat me like your best friend. Best friends tell each other everything; their goals, their
Its a challenge working with some clients, and others are a pleasure to work with. I have found some commonalities in the things clients neglect to do when working with me. I want to share these items to help other lenders and realtors communicate better with clients to improve their experiences
Obtaining a mortgage is something most people do 1 to 5 times in their life. Because its a process we dont experience frequently, we are prone to overlooking things and putting our trust in the person we work with. Its a good idea to do some research and shop around before getting your mortgage t
What rate can I get?Every mortgage lender or investor company has rate guidelines that set the rate based on the type of home, type of loan, consumer credit rating, and several other conditions. I always recommend not asking the lender for a rate and making a decision from there. A lender needs
I was elated tonight after a nerve racking first half, the Seahawks were able to get two interceptions for two touchdowns! An amazing finish to what seemed as a long game. Both teams were great on defense and it wasn't until later on the in the game that the hawks offense started picking up the p
Each year many home owners forget to check out these tax deductions that may save them money on their taxes! I will put generalized information below. I strongly recommend checking the IRS website for more specific information, however these are some items you can actually deduct! Mortgage Intere