Reno Home Inspections & Energy Audits

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Home Inspector - Certified Structure Inspector - IOS #1730, EA #30
Today I get to take another trip down to Nevada’s Capital. It seems like I have been getting allot of calls from Carson City lately. I don’t mind the drive, but if the calls keep coming in the way they are I will be even more ready for the new freeway to open. One thing I like about Carson City i...
A Electrical Safety Tips from you local Reno Home Inspector. Feb Card
I inspected two houses on the same day with the same problem, major attic moisture issues. Most of the time you hear about crawlspace moisture which I will cover in more detail at a later date so stay tuned…. Believe it or not crawlspace moisture can contribute to attic moisture. Both houses had ...
After I perform an Energy Audit I offer to pass the information gathered and the finding over to a BPI or Resnet Certified Weatherization Contractor. They can provide recommendations and repairs to maximize the energy savings and comfort of the home. A BPI or Resnet Certified Contractor uses the ...
A Los Angeles Architect has been arrested after a year of investigation for involuntary Manslaughter after his home caught fire and a Firefighter was killed while fighting the fire. The owner who was the Architect on the home apparently made changed to the home after inspections and did follow sa...
I know I'm not a woman but a good Broker friend of mine is a member of the Zonta Club of Greater Reno and they are hosting these years International Women's Day here in Reno. I am attending as an exhibitor and will be on hand with Home Inspection and Energy Audit information. This year’s event wi...
Some Brokerages are asking Home Inspectors to pay a fee to be in their “Preferred” list or to be able to speak at their offices. Is this ethical and should it be allowed?  What about calling the local Home Inspector to “Sponsor” training, would this be the same? Why do Brokerages do this? Is it t...
During some recent Energy Audits I discovered several areas in a home that were missing insulation. It is common to discover that there is no insulation on the attic access but that 2x2 area was pretty minor to some of the larger areas I’ve found recently. On occasion insulation can fall out of p...
Going Green is a popular want for many people these days. The idea of less impact on the environment makes people feel good about themselves. Recycling and reducing trash don't usually save or make you much money. Saving energy in your home does. Energy improvements not only pay themselves back o...
The Real Estate Agent is the go to person for many buyers. The agent helps line everything up from a lender to the title company. I see more agents using the term Green and more people wanting to be Green. Electronic signing of documents saves paper and ink but is this really all that big of a de...

Rob Ernst

Reno, NV-775-410-4286 Inspector & Energy Auditor
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