At this weeks meeting at the Reno Sparks Association of Realtors the NVAR Legal Council Teresa McKee discussed the new laws regarding the SRPD. As a home inspector it is always nice to get a copy of the sellers real property disclosure prior to me doing the home inspection. Knowing the disclosed ...
Fernley is a small town and small towns can have fewer options of who's available to service your needs. If your in need of a Home Inspection in Fernley you now know about another option. I service Fernley and enjoy the feel of a small town. I provide an in depth home inspection conducted in a pr...
Some times the farther from the metro area you are the less options you have. If your looking for a Home Inspection in the Fallon area it's not to far for me. You now know of another option for your next home inspection. I have done home inspections in Fallon and think it is a great area with lot...
Maybe you regular Home Inspector has been hard to get a hold of the last couple of days and your wondering why? Inspectors like myself that are serious about keeping up on educationconverge at the Flamingo for the annual Inspection Conference. Inspectors from all over North America are in attenda...
Agents often are asked by buyers to recommend a Home Inspector. By doing this you open yourself up to liability. What is an agent to do? You don't want to send your clients out on their own to search for an inspector but so you accept the risk. Well now there is an option. Next time one of your c...
According to an article in RGJ today there is a reason for this surge. Who is the biggest culprit you ask? Bank of America is liquidating home since the new law on OCT 1 will prevent them from using their own Trustee recon Trust. According to Attorney Greg Jensen "The banks have been screwing Nev...
Coming up on the 22nd the Reno Sparks Association of Realtors is having it's Fall Networking Mixer. It will be at The Club at Town Center in Somerset from 4-7 pm. It's always good to know the people who work in the same field. Meeting new people is fun and I'm looking forward to it. I'm always ex...
This is a good article about hiring a home inspector. Here is Reno I have to follow rules set by the real Estate division. But many of us in regulated and non regulated states choose to join a home inspector association. I'm a member of NACHI the largest and most prestigious association in the wo...
I saw today the last day of summer in Las Vegas is going to be a hot one with some areas of the valley getting to 108. In the north Reno is hot also but gets the relief of 60 degree mornings. The only way to survive the heat is to use air conditioning. On these hottest days of summer you might th...
The e-mails below were passed on to me like many letters are passed around the internet these days. Many think just passing it on is going to help the people in need, but donations are really what's needed. I'm someone that is selective in what I will back. This is one of those that I will. So ev...