Looking for housing options for yourself, an aging parent, relative, or friend? A reverse mortgage may be right for your situation. The loan, commonly known as Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or HECM, is with a lending institution such as a mortgage lender, bank, credit union or savings and loan
If keeping your home is not an option - call your lender to discuss these possibilities Sale: If you can no longer afford your home, your lender will usually give you a specific amount of time to find a purchaser and pay off the total amount owed. You will be expected to use the services of a rea
YOU WORKED HARD FOR HOMEOWNERSHIP The Federal Housing Administration has helped millions of Americans secure their dream of homeownership since 1934. Now we want to keep those dreams alive. If you have an adjustable rate mortgage coming due or your interest rate is already too high, you o
You Can Avoid Foreclosure and Keep Your Home Losing a home can be financially and personally devastating. Relief may be available. Here's key information to help you keep your home. People facing money problems:If you are facing unemployment or have money problems, you may be able to keep your ho
Q: How will the law help struggling homeowners keep their homes?A: Through the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), an estimated 400,000 borrowers in danger of losing their homes will be able to refinance into more affordable government-insured mortgages. The program offers government insuran
¿QUÉ ES PMI? PMI es la sigla en inglés de Seguro o Asegurador Hipotecario Privado (Private Mortgage Insurance or Insurer). Se trata de compañías privadas que ofrecen seguros hipotecarios. Ofrecen a los prestatarios programas estándar y especiales accesibles. Estas compañías proporcionan pautas a
¿QUÉ ES UN PRÉSTAMO 203(k)? Este préstamo permite al comprador de la vivienda financiar la compra y la rehabilitación de la vivienda mediante una única hipoteca. Una parte del préstamo se utiliza para pagar la hipoteca existente del vendedor y el resto se coloca en una cuenta de depósito en garan
Si recibe este Folleto antes de firmar un acuerdo de venta, aquí encontrará algunos puntos importantes para tener en cuenta. El agente de bienes raíces probablemente le entregará un formulario de acuerdo de venta impreso por adelantado. Puede realizar modificaciones o agregados a este formulario,
How to Register Registering to vote is a right. It is available to all persons who meet the requirements. In Miami-Dade County, there are many official agencies where you can register in person or get voter registration forms: Florida Driver License Bureau Miami-Dade County Public Libraries Tea