Sometimes adversity sneaks up on us. We think that we have a plan and, suddenly, the world shifts and we are left scratching our head and wondering, 'what next?' Over 10 years ago, I was coming off of 8 years of being a stay-at-home mom. Prior to making that choice, I had been in the high press
If, like me, you are having trouble getting back into the habit of daily posting after a summer filled with vacations and distractions, you might want to participate in a contest. Active Rain contests are a great way to get the juices flowing again and provide a deadline to sit down and get your
Unless you were a very young child, it is likely that you remember with scary focus exactly where you were when you first realized our country was under attack. It was a beautiful, clear late summer day in the Washington suburbs. it was the kind of day when you feel like nothing bad can happen. A