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Real Estate information for Orange County & Southern California homes and properties. Articles with local character and current real estate news and trends.



It's not surprising that Newport Beach CA Home selling prices are up during start of 2014.   People love Newport Beach where homes are some of the most popular for buyers in this city famous for residential living and investment. 79 Newport Beach homes have sold during first 55 days of 2014 - tim...
California law requires smoke detectors at homes and residential properties and that sellers are required to make smoke detector disclosures to buyers at time of sale. Smoke detector device specifications at California law changed as of January 1, 2014. Starting July 1, 2014, the State Fire Marsh...
  Turtle Rock Irvine CA home selling and prices update for January 2014. Irvine home sellers wanted to be more busy during January 2014 - while number of homes resold was 117, which is down from last year, and average sold price at $757,758 was up from the year before. January 2014 home selling ...
With high cost of electricity in California, homeowners have been creative in their ways to acquire energy through solar power. One of the ways to get solar power is through an independent solar energy producer who sells or leases the solar energy equipment to the property owner. When the homeown...

Harrison K. Long

REALTOR , GRI, Broker associate, Attorney
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