Unvented roof assemblies are becoming an increasingly common construction alternative to traditional vented roofs. They are designed without ventilation openings, and the attic is conditioned like the rest of the living space. Unvented roofs operate by the principle that venting is not nece
Daylight Saving Time (DST), also known as British Summer Time (BST) in the U.K., is the practice of adjusting clocks an hour ahead of Standard Time so that afternoons have more daylight and mornings have less. It is designed to reduce energy consumption in residences and businesses, but its eff
A ladder is a structure designed for climbing that consists of two long side-pieces joined at uniform intervals by rungs or steps. According to the American Ladder Institute, there are nine different types of ladders. Not all of them are used by inspectors, however. The following ladders are
Cats and dogs produce allergens that pose a health threat to certain individuals. Modes of Transmission Cat dander consists of microscopic pieces of cat skin that have dried, flaked off and become airborne. Shed dander can land on and stick to bedding, curtains, carpeting, and other surfa
Geothermal systems are home heating and cooling systems that gather heat from the earth. Geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) use the relatively constant temperature of sub-surface soil as the exchange medium. Geographical Distribution As of 2004, five countries -- El Salvador, Kenya, the Phillipines, Ic
Manufactured stone is a lightweight, man-made concrete masonry product that is typically cast into random sizes in a variety of colors and finishes meant to mimic the look of quarried rock. It is generally applied as a masonry veneer to exterior and interior walls, columns and landscape structur
Housewrap is sheathing installed on exterior walls before the siding or other cladding is attached. The term refers to all materials (made today, typically, from plastic or spun-fiber polyethylene) designed to replace tar paper, which serves the same function. Since almost any exterior finishin
Cockroaches are one of the most commonly encountered household pests. Homeowners and inspectors can learn about ways to eliminate these insects and the conditions that encourage their infestation. Cockroaches have a broad, flattened body and a relatively small head that covers their mandibles a
Uses and Characteristics Vapor barriers are an important part of moisture control for interiors. A vapor barrier is a material, typically a plastic or foil sheet, which resists the diffusion of moisture through ceiling, wall and floor assemblies of a building. Vapor-diffusion retarders are
Vinyl siding is the form of exterior cladding that home inspectors are likely to encounter most frequently. Homeowners, remodeling contractors and builders often choose vinyl siding as an alternative to wood and aluminum because it is attractive, durable, easy to maintain and cost-effective.