Carpet beetles are household pests capable of destroying various household items. Inspection and knowledge of their habits can prevent costly destruction. Lifecycle and Habits Female carpet beetles will lay 50 to 100 small, pearly-white eggs on protected surfaces near a food source, such as the l
If you apply for a loan to buy a house, the lender is going to decide whether you are a good or poor credit risk based on your credit report. If the report says that you have a lot of debt, or you don't pay your bills on time, the lender may adjust your interest rate accordingly - or deny you the
Business is quite slow in our area (Bay County Florida). Real Estate sales have come almost to a halt. Is it the oil, the economy or just the money supply that is not easily available anymore? However, once and a while a few sparks come to life... We a HOME INSPECTORUSA will continue providing th
Defective cribs, especially hand-me-down and homemade models, can pose serious hazards to young children, including strangulation, entrapment and overheating. Government manufacturing standards set in 1973 have greatly improved crib safety, yet defective cribs continue to be responsible for the h
Purchasing foreclosed homes in desirable areas at below-market values can be a sound investment strategy. Appreciation on their original prices may be tax-free. Buying foreclosed rental properties can provide positive cash flow, as well as valuable tax deductions. On the other hand, buying a for
A central vacuum system (sometimes called a whole-house vacuum system) is a cleaning device installed throughout a building. Located in the garage or basement, a canister receives dust and debris sucked by the force of a motor from wall outlets, which are located for the homeowner's convenience.
Dust mites are microscopic arachnids that thrive indoors in warm, moist places, such as the insides of pillows and mattresses. They feed on dead skin that is regularly shed by humans and their pets. The harm posed to building occupants by dust mites is slight compared to other miniscule bed-dwel
Ceramic tile and stone are popular flooring materials, but each is subject to damage if not properly maintained. Ceramic tile, due to its low required maintenance, ease of cleaning, and resistance to physical damage, is one of the most popular flooring materials available today. Made primarily
Steel is one of the world's most important engineering and construction materials, and increasingly a material of choice in commercial and residential applications. Although no one is certain when it was first used, a British inventor named Henry Bessemer is credited with creating the first tec
Brominated flame or fire retardants (BFRs) include a wide range of chemicals added to household furnishings and products to inhibit their ignition and reduce the chance of fire. In recent years, concern surrounding the toxicity of this class of chemicals has risen due to the widespread accumulati