USDA loans are housing loans that are backed through the Rural Housing Division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Purpose In the wake of the mortgage crisis in 2008 and 2009, lenders have become more cautious, so it's harder for home buyers, especially first-timers, to secure fi
A Bloom Box® is a refrigerator-sized domestic power plant that produces electricity cleanly and cheaply, and may one day replace the traditional power grid. Its inventor wants to put one in every home by the year 2020. The Bloom Box® is the creation of Bloom Energy, a Sunnyvale, California-base
Relocation is often stressful and time-consuming, but rarely do we wonder about the impact the process has on the environment. This is amplified when moving to a smaller house or condominium, and additional decisions have to be made regarding items that must discarded in order to save space. I
Pesticides are poisons designed to kill a variety of plants and animals, such as insects (insecticides), weeds (herbicides), and mold or fungus (fungicides). They are each composed of an inert carrier and a pest-specific active ingredient, both of which are toxic to humans and pets. Human Ex
Rockwool refers to a type of thermal insulation made from actual rocks and minerals. A wide range of products can be made from this material because of its superior ability to block heat and sound. Rockwool insulation is commonly used in building construction, industrial plants, and in automotive
Vermiculite is a naturally occurring mineral composed of shiny flakes that resemble mica. When heated rapidly to a high temperature, this crystalline mineral expands into low-density, accordion-like strands. In this form, vermiculite is a lightweight, odorless and fire-resistant material that has
Perlite is a naturally occurring siliceous rock used for thermal insulation in buildings. Production The United States is the world's largest producer and consumer of perlite. Other leading countries that produce perlite include China, Greece, Japan, Hungary, Armenia, Italy, Mexico, the Phi
Solid brick and brick veneer structures use some of the same construction materials, but their installation techniques are different. Solid brick houses (also known as double-brick and solid masonry houses) are built from either two layers of brick, or a layer of concrete block and an adjacent
Indoor air quality is generally worse than most people believe, but there are things you can do about it. Some Quick Facts: Indoor air quality can be worse than that of outdoor air. Problems can arise from moisture, insects, pets, appliances, radon, materials used in household products and furn
Identifying Aluminum Wiring Aluminum wires are the color of aluminum and are easily discernible from copper and other metals. Since the early 1970s, wiring-device binding terminals for use with aluminum wire have been marked CO/ALR, which stands for "copper/aluminum revised." Look for the word "a