As we celebrate our 8th Christmas Eve here in NW AZ, Mohave County, Golden Valley, today is going to be another beautiful day here. My how fast the time flies. The high is predicted to be 68 degrees with partly cloudy skies and a mild wind of 4 MPH. Our weather is a far cry from Valparaiso, IN lo
The first strategic thinking critical goal in Leadership and Management is Communication. From my experience this is the greatest obstacle next to human capital development facing small business owners who wish to increase sales.How often have we as professional real estate agents heard a sales l
Funny thing, many non-employer small businesses owners including professional real estate agents do not view themselves as leaders in charge of an organization. However, that is not true as over 80% of small businesses are considered non-employer firms meaning they do not have paid employees. Yes
Growing any business requires increasing customers or clients. Within the six critical goal categories discussed previously, each customer loyalty or client loyalty goal category requires those WAY SMART goals.For REFERRALS, this may include a goal to thank any and all referrals with a personal h
Real estate business success requires customers or potential clients who turn into actual clients. These individuals are the bread and butter for professional real estate agents.Yet, sometimes these real estate agents become so busy in outreach (think marketing or farming) along with the associa
Zig Ziglar believed “Sales is the transference of feelings.” The previous posting identified the six critical goal categories within the strategic sales growth action plan. Now is it may be the time to start constructing those WAY SMART goals for each of those six categories as your end result
Heraclitus wrote centuries ago the following:“Character is destiny.”In thinking about character, I remember these first words of George Washington’s eulogy written by Henry Lee as requested by Congress on Washington’s death (December 14, 1799).“First in war, first in peace, and first in the heart
After the marketing growth action plan has been completed, then it is time to dive into the Strategic Thinking Sales Growth Action Plan. Again, this plan has six key areas (critical goal categories) along with the key performance indicators for each category.Within this sales action plan, I beli
Peter Drucker said: “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two--and only two—basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business
Almost 25 years ago, I learned of critical goal categories. These categories are what are necessary and sufficient to achieve the current mission. By incorporating these categories into a strategic thinking business plan helps to align goals to the overall current mission statement.For small busi