Leanne Smith's (highdesertre) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Dirt Road Real Estate - SA676002000
Going beyond the plethora of listings to discover what is keeping realtors from sustainable sales success.
"Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan."— Margaret ThatcherFor many real estate professionals, the word plan may not be met with excitement, but it is essential for achieving success. Each New Year brings fresh opportunities to grow your business. Following the November Grat...
Today is New Years Eve. Many people are making those annual New Year Resolutions. However, the results of those resolutions are not good with 80% giving up by Mid February and 9-12% sticking with them until the end of the year. (Sources Various including ABC News and Baylor College of Medicine)Th...
"Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan."Margaret ThatcherThe Results Tool™ when worked with the goals within the Critical Goal Categories of Marketing, Sales, Customer/Client/Affiliate Loyalty, Leadership and Management, Innovation and Financials helps to ensure the achievem...
Years ago a colleague, Laura Novakowski and myself decided to create a more results focused goal setting worksheet that was process driven, aligned to the psychometric assessments we delivered to our clients along with the identification of necessary resources.The end product was the Results Tool...
This quote by Jay Samit I believe speaks to professional real estate agents"You will always need more capital than you think, because it will always take you longer to reach profitability than you can imagine."Unfortunately, many are led to believe being a real estate agent is a low dollar entrep...
Money may be considered the root of all evil. However, without money, no small business to large for profit or not for profit organization can function.Probably, the first area within this strategic thinking critical goal category of Financials is Profitability. I believe many agents fail to ledg...
Many of us know this expression “Tis better to give than to receive.”   What we sometimes fail to recognize is all of the magic hidden in the gifts we receive. The hidden magic in giving includes: Caring Love Satisfaction When I give gifts to family members and friends, I attempt to find a gift u...
Possibly the goal areas within this critical goal category of Innovation may be the opportunity for the greatest growth and financial success.The first critical goal area is New Products. For some professional real estate agents, they may not consider having products.  Yet could a You Tube Channe...
Today is Christmas Day with children excited by the presents Santa left to cooks busy in the kitchen making Christmas dinner. Being Swedish, Christmas Eve was the celebration with Christmas Day devoted to Church and then a family meal. When my Swedish grandmother visited, we would have a cooked g...
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Steve JobsInnovation and leadership go hand in hand.Within this strategic thinking critical goal category of Innovation, the first critical goal area is New Products. This succinct quote by Tom Freston says it all.“Innovation is taking t...

Leanne Smith

The Grit and Gratitude Agent
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