In rural areas where there are washes, flood plains, easements, water allocations, poor road access, etc., selling vacant land is not easy. Patience is required as well as a seller who understands these issues.Recently I sold this 2.35 acre parcel north of Highway 68 in Golden Valley, AZ. The se
“True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.” Charles Caleb ColtonAs a New Year begins, there are new opportunities to meet friends you did not know here on ActiveRain along with in one's own community. “Let us be grateful for people who make us happy,
Eight years ago when I entered real estate, I wanted only to be a buyer’s agent and focus on selling homes because I didn't' know what I didn't know. Then reality happened after working with residential buyers along with vacant land buyers and sellers.Those early experiences revealed to me sellin
Staying organized as a writer or a blogger has always been part of my writing DNA. As a past business writer for the Post Tribune, Sun Times and Chicago Tribune, nBiz a business journal out of Houston TX (19 years and still writing) and along with other blogging forums, I realized I needed a way
People remember business names and logos such as Apple to Nike. In real estate to stand out in the crowd or what I call be the Red Jacket in a Sea of Gray Suits, requires a name that says it all and still differentiates itself from other similar businesses.Here in Mohave County there are approxim
"Indecision is a decision not to take action."Leanne M. SmithOften individuals fail to take action because they are undecided and that indecision is already an action. This strategic thinking countdown that began in December of 2024 hopefully provided some insight for these simple two reasons: To
Since I truly love selling dirt here in Mohave County and especially Golden Valley, AZ, I have witnessed a lot of vacant land properties where the anxious owners made improvements. These improvements included: Clearing the property Septic installation Well Fencing Electric to the Property Line Ru
Being small business owners without any employees create a lot of demands. For professional real estate agents, these demands start sometimes as soon as the emails are opened in the morning until late at night.This quote helps to remind us about me time."You can’t pour from an empty cup."(Source
Taking action requires time. Time is a limited resource as time is a constant. No one can manage a constant. All one can do is to better manage himself or herself. If you have read many of these posts within this series, there may be a question of how do I keep all that planning on track so I can
"Your never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." C.S.LewisHappy New Year! 🎆Today is the first day of 2025. For many individuals, today is a day off from work, a day to dream about new desires and a day to reflect on the past years.In all that dreaming, possibly it may make sense