Leanne Smith's (highdesertre) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Dirt Road Real Estate - SA676002000
Going beyond the plethora of listings to discover what is keeping realtors from sustainable sales success.



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How often are we told to draw up real estate listing agreements or purchase contracts by sellers or buyers and then nothing happens?  Often this seems like hurry, hurry, wait, wait.We know that we have established and confirmed good relationships with our clients who have shared they trust us.  A...
Often professional real estate agents hear of first time home buyers dreaming of buying a home. Yet, these potential home buyers fail to understand that “dream” demands  saving sacrifices.  An immediate sit down by those first time home buyers is required to review wants and needs versus actual f...
In sales, I have observed some salespeople rush their clients.  If sales is the "transference of feelings" and "people buy from people they know and trust," then it makes practical sales sense to slow down.Don’t rush your clients!During these past eight years of being in real estate sales, I am s...
Today is the inauguration of the 47th President of the United States. Regardless of political perspective, every President has a “Heavy Load” to carry as he is sworn in.“You never know how a horse will pull until you hook him to a heavy load.”Bear BryantEach of us as individuals have been hooked ...
The other day I read this quote:"A picture is a poem without words."Quintus CornificiusFor many who may be somewhat older, we learned of poems in our earlier educational years. As a refresher, one definition of a poem is per Collins Dictionary:A composition in verse, usually characterized by conc...
Often professional real estate agents request client reviews on Zillow, Facebook, brokerage websites, and sometimes those requests are granted.  Imagine my surprise when I received this client review on Zillow by B.Lee "I recently worked with Leanne to sell a difficult piece of land with a challe...
Golden Valley, AZ is nestled between three mountain ranges. There is the Hualapai Mountains to the East, the Black Mountains to the West and the Cerbat Mountains/Cliffs to the South. With peaks , plateaus, unusual buttes to rounded ridges, these mountains make for incredible sunrises and sunsets....
In rural areas where there are washes, flood plains, easements, water allocations, poor road access, etc., selling vacant land is not easy.  Patience is required as well as a seller who understands these issues.Recently I sold this 2.35 acre parcel north of Highway 68 in Golden Valley, AZ. The se...
“True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.” Charles Caleb ColtonAs a New Year begins, there are new opportunities to meet friends you did not know here on ActiveRain along with in one's own community.  “Let us be grateful for people who make us happy,...
Eight years ago when I entered real estate, I wanted only to be a buyer’s agent and focus on selling homes because I didn't' know what I didn't know. Then reality happened after working with residential buyers along with vacant land buyers and sellers.Those early experiences revealed to me sellin...

Leanne Smith

The Grit and Gratitude Agent
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