I am not too good at responding to comments on my blogs. I really appreciate hearing different opinions on working with verbal offers. I still love them! I NEVER use them to low ball a seller and I like using verbals because of the time, (not only for my buyers and sellers but also for me) I am ...
It is amazing that even in this "buyers market" that sellers are declining showings and to top it off, I have had three sellers tell me this week that they would not work with a verbal offer! I tried to explain to their agent that my buyer's husband was out of the area working and didn't want to ...
The point I was getting at is that buyers in this market seem to be fickle so hurry and get your home under contract. After dealing with the sellers not willing to work with a verbal offer I made an offer for another buyer today and my seller said "Do I need to sign and get that offer back to you...
It is amazing that even in this "buyers market" that sellers are declining showings and to top it off, I have had three sellers tell me this week that they would not work with a verbal offer! I tried to explain to their agent that my buyer's husband was out of the area working and didn't want to ...
It's days like this that remind me of the glory of the Lord and all the beauty that He has given us. Don't get so BUSY with life that you can't ENJOY LIFE! Have you been to the Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina when the Festival of Flowers is in all its glory? If you haven't, it is we...
I am a newbie to blogging and really don't know how to start. I have posted about 3-4 blogs but not sure where they went:-) Any ides on how to get started? Is there a bolgiing for dummies? I want to blog to increase my business and also to share marketing tips that have made me the #8 RE/MAX team...
I am a newbie to blogging and really don't know how to start. I have posted about 3-4 blogs but not sure where they went:-) Any ides on how to get started? Is there a bolgiing for dummies? I want to blog to increase my business and also to share marketing tips that have made me the #8 RE/MAX team...
Well I wish I had been! I don't know what it is but everytime Asheville has a few days of rain, all the buyers want to see property. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I just wonder where they were earlier in the week when our temps got into the high seventies :-)I did get an offer on one o...
I read an article a couple of weeks ago about this . The bottom lin in the article was about us grouping ourselves with the rest of the nation. The reality is:"Compared to the rest of the nation, we still have a strong market" It is our responsibilities as real estate agents to educate our client...