Harry Ikanson's (harryinscottsdale) Blog

Real Estate Agent
The role and importance of the internet in the real estate world have increased greatly.  Right from locating the desired properties to gathering relevant information and finally making the buying decision, the internet plays a key role in every aspect of these dealings today. Finding The Propert...
There is a general belief among most people that searching for a house is a very difficult job. It’s true that in the olden days finding the right home that matched your needs was tough, but today, with the progress that technology has made, finding McCormick Ranch homes for sale, condos, apartme...
 Real estate agents typically earn an average of 7% (varies slightly) of the sale price which will be shared between your agent and the buyer’s agent. To earn this the agent does the following things: lists your house with the Multiple Listing Service, markets your house through fliers, advertise...
Choosing and deciding on a place to live and raise your children can feel like a very big life changing decision – and it is. After all, it’s a big family milestone and can affect everything – from your children’s development, to their education, to your family’s social life.  You might feel the ...
Housing and residential requirements have been growing continuously due to the world's population setting up in different parts of the world. The need to make more (and bigger) homes has led to the acquisition of more space and land. The real estate sector continues to grow at an alarming rate to...
 When you hire any professional to help you in finding a good home for yourself, you must ensure that this hired help is able to provide you with all the help required for finding, as well as buying, the house that you fall in love with. Therefore, the agent you should be on the lookout for must ...
With all the concern about the environment nowadays, and with everybody into conservation, there has been a rise in the demand for "eco-houses." An eco-home is defined as a house built in such a way that it reduces energy consumption and waste. An eco-house reduces the building's negative impact ...
Searching for a house for sale can be a very daunting task. Most people seek help from professional real estate agents in finding the correct property, and that is because these agents will help to ensure that the entire deal goes through in a smooth manner. However, there are many real estate ag...
 People often give their things names in order to personify them. It is not unusual for someone you know to go around and call their car Bessy. Some also talk to it while they clean it, expecting it to talk in some cases. Usually, this is fine, but then, if your car talks back, well maybe it’s ti...
  Everybody, from your mother to your great uncle Bob is telling you that it’s time to quit renting and buy your own house. But you are not convinced on why owning a house is something that everybody seems to want to do.  Having reservations about owning your own house is not uncommon, but there ...

Harry Ikanson

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