Seller property disclosure questions never go away. We know the constant issues with owners, but what must be disclosed by a realtor? What is a real estate agent expected to disclose about a home? Well, in's caveat emptor; buyer beware.What Must be Disclosed by an Agent?Listing agen
As homebuyers enter the spring 2023, many are empowered and some are hell bent on regaining control. That's not going to happen around the Greater Atlanta area, there is no impending onslaught of listings. Contingencies are back and agents better refresh themselves about solving home inspection i
Here we go, the spring housing market around Greater Atlanta is starting to perk. Successful home sellers will find it a completely different market than a year ago. However, the Greater Atlanta area remains a seller's market. While the months of inventory is in the balanced range, sellers with h
Like the swallows coming back to Capistrano, every year about this time... Price per square foot is not reliable, do not use it to estimate market value of a home. There are limited instances where it might be a contributory asset but those are very limited. For resale homes, do not use price per
Here we go. Home sellers around Atlanta think it's spring of 2022 and home buyers think it's spring of 2011. It's not; the Atlanta spring housing market has balanced. This isn't likely unique to Atlanta, my guess is that other markets will have the same first several weeks - like a Junior High da
Home flipping is never going away and the Atlanta area remains at the top for real estate "investors". HGTV cures everything in just 22 minutes and no one ever loses money. PT Barnum would be proud because shows like that encourage people to think it's easy. It's not and most people fail horribly
The hangover from the real estate market nonsense of the last couple of years continues. Everyone needs to reacclimate themselves with accurate pricing, contingencies, contract language and the many steps of getting a deal closed. One of the most challenging parts will be appraisals and knowing w
For the fourth year in a row, the number of agents in the US reached record levels. NAR estimates 1.6M realtors in the ranks and estimates are another 700K non member agents. The industry lives on the fees associated with this bloated pool.Professional agents know this isn't good. Hobby agents, o
How's the market in Alpharetta, GA? Alpharetta is one of the most desirable North Atlanta suburbs and a great indicator of real estate market trends in the greater Atlanta area. A current look at the Alpharetta, GA real estate market using Altos Research data:This week the median list price for A
Well who didn't know this was going to happen? Since no one is is personally responsible for their actions, it's only right to find blame. Even better, sue for damages - including the emotional duress. Over 70% of home buyers have regrets about their purchases, but were they forced? Were they co